Anushka Sharma celebrated her 30th birthday in Bengaluru on Tuesday (May 1) with husband Virat Kohli. Anushka took time off from her work schedule and flew to Bangaluru in the last week of April.
Virat had a match against Mumbai Indians and the day became even more special with Virat’s team Royal Challengers Bangalore winning the match.
ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma turns 30 | See hubby Virat Kohli’s post
On Monday (April 30) the couple went for a movie and was clicked outside the theatre walking hand in hand.
Post-match, the couple celebrated Anushka’s birthday and shared a photo from the celebration on their social media handles. In the post-match presentation, Virat said, “My wife is here, it’s her birthday and it’s a little birthday gift for her. I’m glad she could enjoy the win watching from here & it’s very special to achieve 2 points in front of her.”
Anushka thanked her husband Virat for making her birthday special and posted a picture on Instagram and captioned it as, “Best birthday with the bestest, kindest, bravest man in the world. Love you for making it so special my love.”
Earlier in the day, Virat shared a photo of him feeding her cake and wrote, “Happy B’day my love. The most positive and honest person I know. Love you.”
Anushka on her special day also revealed her big plan for the coming year. She will be building an animal shelter outside Mumbai so that her ‘fellow living beings’ get “equal rights, equal care and equal love.”
On the work front, Anushka is expected to fly down to the US for the next schedule of her upcoming film Zero.