Former FIFA referee Madhav Gangaya Suvarna died on Saturday, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) announced. In addition, Suvarna served as the Secretary of the AIFF Referees Board and the Secretary of the Gujarat Football Association.
“It is really sad to hear that Mr. Suvarna is no more. His invaluable contribution to Indian Football will always remain with us. I share the grief,” said AIFF President Praful Patel, in his condolence message.
AIFF General Secretary, Kushal Das, in his condolence message, said: “Mr. Suvarna was a great lover of football and his dedication for football was unparalleled. He was a very competent referee, a passionate instructor, and a football administrator. My sincere condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.”
He served as a referee assessor for the AFC and was also a match commissioner, being assigned to AFC Asian Cup, AFC Champions League, and AFC U16 Qualifiers among other international assignments.
(With inputs from IANS)