The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) said on Saturday that it will expand the AFC Champions League to include 40 clubs at the start of the 2021 season. The AFC Women’s Asian Cup will also be expanded to 12 teams from eight in the last edition held in Jordan.
“From the 2021 season, the AFC Champions League will be expanded to 40 clubs with an extra group of four being added in both the east and west zones and further growing the reputation of one of the richest continental club competitions in the world,” the AFC’s official website said.
“In 2022, there will be four more teams in the AFC Women’s Asian Cup — going from eight in the last edition in Jordan to 12 in the next tournament. At present, the AFC have proposals from Chinese Taipei, India and Uzbekistan to host the tournament and with the added four teams, there will be further opportunities for more players, teams and member associations,” it said.