


Men at increased risk of mental illness post breakup, says study

"Help-seeking efforts among these men were wide-ranging and included individual or solitary efforts like exercise, reading and self-care while other men tapped existing networks or extended their efforts to connect with support groups, or attended therapy"

Simple home remedies to fix irregular periods at home

A regular menstrual cycle occurs after 28 days to 35 days and lasts for 4-6 days approximately. You may count a period to be irregular if it does not start even after 35 days or occurs with a gap of a different number of days each time. 

Get rid of sneezing problem naturally

Sneezing is a natural mechanism that helps to clear away irritants from the nose. Whenever a foreign matter such as dirt, pollen, smoke, or dust, enters the nostrils, the sensitive lining of our nose may start getting irritated or tickled. This causes us to sneeze to clear the air passage and remove the dust particles.