Champions Trophy: Shreyas Iyer finishes as second-highest run-scorer in tournament
Iyer might have missed out on the much-deserved half-century but he was involved in a crucial 61-run fourth-wicket partnership with Axar Patel in the chase of 252.
Incidentally, there are not many Ashok Khemkas (transferred over 50 times in 27 years’ service and counting) who have the guts to stand up against hidden agendas, ill-desired policies, corruption, exploitation etc. to remain aligned with democratic ideals.
Those in the service need to introspect. (SNS)
In the administrative system of India, the bureaucracy plays a key role as civil servants function to implement the policies of an elected government in a rational, efficient, non-partisan manner. However, people have often experienced that when it comes to implementation and delivery, the performance or the ground level reality is disappointing leading to almost non-delivery or poor public services. And, one of the many factors blamed for this is the unholy nexus between politicians, bureaucrats and other interests. There are compelling reasons to believe that this is true. And it is little wonder that the cost is stupefying.
While many feel that bureaucracy saps initiative, inhibits risk-taking, and crushes creativity; there are others who feel that in a vast and diverse country like ours, a bureaucracy is unavoidable. And, there is yet another group that feels the colonial hangover afflicting the bureaucracy creates an utterly frustrating scenario as it can’t meet the social and economic challenges that a welfare state like India faces.
It seems worthwhile, however, to quote Queen Elizabeth I. After making Lord William Cecil her secretary, Queen Elizabeth I advised him – “This judgement I have of you that you will not be corrupted by any manner of gift, and that you will be faithful to the state and that without respect of my private will you will give me that counsel which you think best.”
Even though policies, projects and programmes drawn up by the government aim at the development of the country and well-being of the people, successive governments failed to appreciate that leadership may change, but the engine does not falter on account of having a new driver in a government that possesses a relatively famed bureaucracy. However, in demanding political systems, there is less pretence that the country’s bureaucracies are deeply influenced by people’s interests.
Civil servants, both principled and spineless, exist in the system; the former serve the country and the latter serve politicians and themselves. Thus a section of bureaucracy appears to act as a cog in a political machine that seeks loyalty to the regime as a means to maintain its hold on power, identify solely with the rulers and the official ideology.
Incidentally, there are not many Ashok Khemkas (transferred over 50 times in 27 years’ service and counting) who have the guts to stand up against hidden agendas, ill-desired policies, corruption, exploitation etc. to remain aligned with democratic ideals. Put differently, there are civil servants wishing to sail with confidence, competence, courage and commitment but are being hounded for doing their duty.
Let’s not lose sight of Punjab and Haryana High Court’s recent observation about IAS officer Khemka who secured grading of 9.92/10 by the Reviewing Authority: “We are of the view that a person of such professional integrity needs to be protected as the professional integrity in our political, social and administrative system is depleting very fast….”
That being said, I am reminded of a statement by a retired upright IAS officer and columnist whom I met at India International Centre a few years back.
As I congratulated him for writing a bold article against a powerful serving central minister, he laughed in that very contagious way he had. I also gave him unsolicited advice that if he continued writing such pieces, he need not aspire to become a governor or head a government-appointed committee. In response, he said “I was not among those crafty bureaucrats who enjoyed trust of unscrupulous politicians and ministers. I was sidelined, transferred for not being politically convenient and pliable but never gave in to temptation.”
Be that as it may, just a few days back speaking at a panel discussion on ‘Has the Steel Frame Rusted’, former Chief Secretary of Delhi Shailja Chandra said, “It is easy to say that politicians have failed the IAS officers. But I feel this is not entirely correct. Those in the service need to introspect. If they do not have any extraneous interests, nothing can stop them from serving the people.”
So far, the feeble accountability of public and political processes, have defined the character of public administration in India. The challenge ahead for public administration lies in finding and meeting the balance between serving citizens while upholding the rule of law without falling prey to either obstructionist or lacklustre performance of duties.
Nevertheless, even as we complain about red tape, paperwork, excessive bureaucratic rigmarole etc, we also love to hate it – because, eventually people rely on it to structure our country.
The Election Commission has already blown the bugle and the country will get a new government on 23 May. The government will face enormous social and political challenges. And in order to effectively deal with this enormous set of social and political challenges we need an efficient bureaucracy. For this, political parties must think and big. Setting right the country’s administrative machinery steadfastly is the only way this will happen.
Indian ethos and the laws of the land mandate an efficient bureaucracy. It is now up to law makers to ensure the country gets it. It’s time for transition from a patronage-based to merit-based bureaucracy. With this will come accelerated progress.
(The writer is former General Manager, International Centre, Goa, and Deputy General Manager, India International Centre, New Delhi)