Kenya secures funding to tackle climate change challenges
The United Nations (UN)-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved 50 million US dollars for key projects to bolster climate resilience and promote sustainable development in Kenya.
The FAO has done a magnificent job in the Third World since it was established in Rome over 70 years ago, but some of these countries do not need its technical assistance anymore, for example China, India and Brazil.
For over two decades prior to my retirement, I worked as an independent consultant to five different agencies of the United Nations: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP), International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank (WB).
It was a unique experience. I did some 100 consultancies in 35 countries during this period and over half of them were for FAO. My consultancy work was mainly in water resources, irrigation and rural development, although I was drafted for project identification, investigation, preparation and completion missions also.
These consultancies lasted from one week to three months.
The longest consultancy (3 months) was in the South Pacific Island of Fiji – also known as the ‘Paradise of the South Pacific’ – where my main brief was to assess the erosion rate of this relatively (geologically) young island with an annual rainfall of over 2000mm.
I was recruited for my first consultancy from an international British consulting firm where I was working for over a decade.
I continued working as a consultant for FAO for the next two or three assignments through the same consulting firm until I resigned and became an independent consultant. This was a risky step which I was prepared to take to enhance my experience and increase my income.
I was extremely lucky because the consultancy work kept coming. My next three consultancies for FAO were in South Yemen which included hydrological investigation of the biggest wadi (transitory river) in South Yemen.
Then I moved to the Investment Centre of the FAO which is an important division of the FAO and works in close unison with the World Bank (WB).
In collaboration with WB, it mounts identification, investigation, preparation and other missions mainly to water resources and irrigation projects in Africa, Asia and South America.
I did several such missions to Africa (Zimbabwe, Morocco) and Asia (India, China, Sri Lanka). In India I participated in a major and unique WB-FAO project which aimed at collecting, validating, computerizing all hydrological data (rainfall, climate, river flow, water quality and groundwater), and establishing State, Regional and Central Water Data Centres in fifteen peninsular and other States in two phases over a 10-year period.
No other country in the world has such water data availability or accessibility. In 1989 I was invited by the FAO to join an UNHCR Inter-Agency mission to Afghanistan to assess the immediate needs of the country following the Russian withdrawal in 1989.
The other members of the mission came from UNHCR, UNESCO, WHO and UNDP. The mission leader, Stephen di Mistura of UNHCR, who also represented it on the mission (He now happens to be the UN’s Chief Coordinator in Syria).
The mission spent a fortnight visiting most of the affected areas of the country and its final report made somber reading. A British daily summed up the main conclusions of the mission with this headline: ‘Conditions in Afghanistan at Russian Withdrawal Worse Than in Vietnam at American Withdrawal’.
After FAO, I did several missions for the World Food Programme (WFP) in India, China, Egypt, Gambia and Yemen. It is a much smaller agency and its approach to development work is different from that of other agencies.
It operates on ‘Food for Work’ principle and it pays its beneficiaries in kind (food) and not in cash. The food items (grains, oil, sugar, etc) are donated to it by major donors like the USA, Canada, UK and countries in Western Europe.
Because of its smaller size, it depends largely on independent consultants to carry out its development work. My first mission was to the Hebei Province of China where the residents of a water-deficient region had constructed underground tanks to store rainwater under their houses to utilize it in the dry season (water harvesting).
My next mission was to India to a major dam project in Karnataka where some 18,000 labourers were working daily. The money WFP made by selling rice etc to the families of labourers at subsidized prices was spent on labour welfare schemes.
The mission recommended construction of toilets, baths, play grounds and meeting places for labourers although the project authorities preferred construction/upgrading of roads. My consultancy work for IFAD and UNDP was extremely limited and the consultancies I did could be counted on fingers.
However, I am puzzled by the fact why there are three different UN agencies – FAO, WFP, IFAD – for food and agriculture and why all three are based in Rome. Whenever the UN reform – about which we hear a lot – is taken up by the USA and other countries that matter, I think WFP and IFAD should be merged with FAO and the size and functions of FAO itself should be reviewed radically.
The FAO has done a magnificent job in the Third World since it was established in Rome over 70 years ago, but some of these countries do not need its technical assistance anymore, for example China, India and Brazil.
At present, it seems to run an empire from a building in central Rome which housed the Ministry of the Empire under Mussolini. Two of its former DGs – one from Lebanon and the other from Senegal – stayed beyond their two mandatory terms of four years each.
Whenever I came to India for consultancy work, my Indian colleagues asked me politely how to get UN/WB consultancy work. I told them that the experience of UN agencies in recruiting Indian consultants/experts – and there are many in India – is extremely bad.
UN agencies do not even get replies to their requests for Indian consultants in time. By the time they receive a reply the agency would recruit the expert from another country and proceed on the mission.
At present, the UN Agency or its staff members recruit Indian experts they already know by approaching them directly. I urge my Indian colleagues to take up this issue with the government. I think a special unit in the HRD ministry or some other ministr y should be established for the recruitment of consultants in various UN agencies including the World Bank.
The unit should focus on: a) training of potential consultants in how UN missions operate under strict time limits and preference should be given to those with experience of more than one country, b) training in style and content of UN reports with emphasis on brevity and clarity, and c) willingness to work 24×7 while on any mission.
The consultants should preferably be below 65 years and regardless of their position and status in the organization, what matters is the expertise they claim in their chosen field. The future of the UN and its various political and development agencies is being actively discussed by its members and the public at large.
For example, the possible composition of the Security Council to reflect the changed geo-political situation in the world is a topic of many discussions in the media. On the other hand, politicians like President Trump regard the UN as dispensable and think that people go the UN ‘to have a good time’.
Having been an independent outside consultant/observer of the UN, I tend to agree with that great politician and writer, Winston Churchill: “The UN may not have taken us to heaven but it has saved us from hell”.
The writer, an NRI living in London, is a retired UN/World Bank Consultant and author.