


Justice Abroad

The case of Nimisha Priya, an Indian nurse sentenced to death in Yemen, has raised serious questions about the protection of citizens abroad, the role of the Indian government in handling such cases, and the broader implications of foreign legal systems on our nationals.

New Orleans

Terror The New Year’s Eve attack in New Orleans, when an US Army veteran drove a truck into a crowd of revellers, has shaken America and raised difficult questions about the rising threat of ISIS-inspired violence in everyday spaces.

Decency Personified

One of my life’s most cherished letters was from Dr Manmohan Singh in 2019 when he replied, “I am very grateful to you for writing a strong rebuttal to the controversy around the Accidental Prime Minister”.

Cyber Threats

The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks attributed to Chinese state-backed actors represent a seismic shift in the landscape of global security.

Distressed Soil~II

A national database on land degradation prepared by the Indian Space Research Organisation in 2016 showed that 36.7 per cent of India’s total arable and non-arable land suffers from various forms of degradation, water erosion being the chief contributor (68.4 per cent).

Shock tactics

The recent plunge in UK consumer confidence serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between fiscal responsibility and maintaining public morale.

China Retirement

China's move to raise the retirement age, the first adjustment since the 1950s, is a critical response to an escalating demographic and economic crisis.

Distressed Soil~I

Goitre, alternately spelled as goiter, is a non-cancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency is the primary cause of goitre.