


Collaborations vital in national interest

The international situation has become more difficult in recent times due to the Ukraine and the Middle-East conflicts, as well as more recent escalations at both places.

Another Bid

The latest assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, while alarming, highlights the growing risks presidential candidates face in an increasingly polarised political climate.

Violating democracy

Sixty-five years ago, when the first democratically elected Communist government of the world was unilaterally dismissed by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru there were cries of ‘murder of democracy’ and ‘violation of democracy’ in political and media circles across India.

Nipah Threat

The recent death of a 24-year-old student in Kerala due to the Nipah virus is a stark reminder of the persistent threat posed by zoonotic diseases.

Pakistan’s neutrality

“We are friends with Russia and we are also friends with America. We are friends with China and with Europe. We are not in any camp." On March 2, Pakistan along with 34 other countries had abstained from voting on the United Nations’ resolution that condemned the “Russian aggression against Ukraine”.

Border Travails~II

Those at the helm of affairs in India discounted the British plan of protecting Tibet from foreign interference. It is unlikely that they were not aware of the Chinese Communist Party's intentions. As early as 1922, the Communist Party announced that it would liberate Tibet and unify her with China. Their advance to Indian territories was just a matter of time. We did not choose our options keeping this in view

As Nepal pushes its doors shut

Many young people have pondered whether Nepal is the correct zip code for pursuing global ambitions. Like people in India in the 1980s, where their dreams were throttled, decided to leave for greener pastures, young Nepalis who have global aspirations do not want to be based in a country where the government can be so stupid.

The sugar and salt of music

There is no question that Lata’s voice makes a song addictive. How many times have you started to hum a tune without even realizing what you were humming a song by Lata Just like real sugar, it has to be her voice and not just any female voice.

China & Nepal

The expanded trade had not helped Nepal not the least because it contended with a huge deficit. China has now restricted the issue of visas to Nepali traders who have been forced to place orders virtually. Many traders have complained that they have been shortchanged in terms of quality as they had to place orders virtually.