


Unfair Burden

India’s worsening air pollution crisis has long been a public health emergency, but the proposal by insurers to hike health premiums in New Delhi due to pollution-related illnesses threatens to turn it into an economic crisis as well.

Opposition Erased

The decision to dissolve the Democratic Party in Hong Kong, its largest opposition grouping, is stark confirmation of the city’s shifting political landscape.

Unfit to Work

India's biggest challenge is not just unemployment, but the unemployability of over 60 crore youth.

A district revisited

Visiting a district, decades later, opens up floodgates of memory. When I think of Kakinada, the district headquarters of the famous East Godavari district of undivided Andhra Pradesh, where I had served in 1979-81, certain images endure.

Taliban & terro

Osama bin Laden too was living comfortably in the cantonment town of Abbottabad where senior Pakistani military officers and intelligence officials had sprawling homes while Islamabad stoutly denied it had any knowledge about the whereabouts of the most wanted man in the world then.

Way forward

For, the overlap of multilateral alliances in the region which has come to the fore could well turn out to be counter-productive as critics have been warning for a while now.

India Today~II

Our biggest businesses are building international brands, yet red-tape continues to throttle the new entrepreneurs and frustrate the small business owners.

Blue economy

The release of ‘India’s Blue Economy: A Draft Policy Framework’ by the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister in late 2020 was another milestone in the evolution of India’s blue economy policy.

Iranian bomb

Arguably, Iran could reach a point like North Korea did nearly 20 years ago when, in its reckoning, its decision on possessing the ultimate weapon outweighs any further international sanctions.