


Women in the forefront

This week, two significant announcements impacting women's empowerment deserve attention on a global scale. The first is a groundbreaking move from the Vatican, which has appointed Sister Simona Brambilla as the prefect.

Lost art of waiting

In our hyper-connected world, waiting is increasingly seen as a flaw in the system rather than an inevitable part of life.

Closing Gaps

India is grappling with an increasingly stark divide between its rich and poor.

Threshold Crossed

The year 2024 will be remembered as a watershed moment in the fight against climate change. For the first time, global average temperatures exceeded 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels during the year.

Celebrating Youth

The world is currently facing a multifaceted civilizational crisis, characterized by social, economic, and environmental challenges. This crisis demands a revitalized approach to addressing the complexities of modern society.

India today~I

The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories, measuring pluralism, civil liberties and political culture.

Online harm

Safety by design similarly recognises the potential for misuse and abuse of social tools and the need to proactively address and adapt to protect against that behaviour.

The big game

Olympic football is for age-compliant players with a few big ones thrown into each team. Track and field has its own independent sources of sustenance.