


Crisis Looms

India is once again staring at the prospect of a reduced wheat harvest as above-average temperatures threaten the winter-sown crop.

Slavery scam

The unfolding humanitarian crisis along the Thai-Myanmar border exposes the brutal reality of organised cyber crime and human trafficking in Southeast Asia.

Fatuous sagacity~I

In today’s world, next to the politicians, the most powerful men and women have been the group of people who call themselves ‘economists’.

Losing a part of me

I am an absentminded man and I often lose things. I travel frequently which makes matters worse. It is hard to remember where you put down your glasses in an airport

Memories of the other Puja

One of my fondest memories from my early life in India is the Jagadhatri puja (J puja). I was raised in the town of Chandannagar, about 25 miles north of Kolkata on the Burdwan line. Chandannagar is famous for this puja, and I grew up in the middle of all the associated festivities.

Institutions and Economy~II

In the last decade or so, there has been a renewed urge to implement the reform process. India has reaffirmed its policy to follow fiscal prudence, with a new time path for reducing the national fiscal deficit to 3 per cent of GDP.

‘Cancel my debt, I am flooded’

There is a tide in the affairs of men/ Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” So said Shakespeare, little knowing that in Pakistani English his words might be twisted to squeeze a fortune out of a flood.

Arms smugglers will profit Saying goodbye from the Ukraine conflict

In recent years, welcome efforts have been made to regulate the trade of a wide range of arms using the Arms Trade Treaty, but a big hurdle for these noble and much-needed efforts has been encountered in the form of the activities of weapon smugglers and traffickers.