


Market Reckoning

The Indian middle class has witnessed a financial revolution in recent years. Encouraged by a booming stock market, low-cost digital platforms, and aggressive financial influencers, millions of households have moved their savings from traditional bank deposits to equities.

Tariff Chaos

The recent back-and-forth on tariffs imposed by the US on Canadian and Mexican goods underscores the unpredictability of President Donald Trump’s trade policies.

Curse of Capitalism

Capitalism, the ‘saviour of the free world,’ was touted as an economic paradigm that incentivised effort, encouraged barter and most crucially, brought power back into the deserving hands of the masses of regular, hard-working people.

Can Nato remain relevant?

The ongoing dilemma surrounding Nato’s expanding portfolio of tasks has intensified under the Trump 2.0 administration which increasingly exposes an inner tension regarding the financial burdens associated with the alliance.

Thugs of a perfect family

No separation exists between personal family life and the life portrayed on the internet. Everything is up for grabs from play dates to romantic dates on these videos, to more private moments that you probably wouldn’t want strangers viewing.

Corporate Credibility

Inequality and concentration of wealth with a handful of people is perhaps the most important cause for popular resentment against the business community. If an enterprise is making huge profits there is something wrong going on. Either the cost of raw material and national resources is being suppressed in connivance with the representatives of the people, fair compensation is being denied to employees and intermediaries, the end consumer is being overcharged, or to top it all the accounts are being fudged 

The hazards of direct intervention

The Musharraf era seems a lifetime ago, although those who are not part of Pakistan’s youth bulge remember it well and have strong opinions about it

Concern for poor should go beyond the Budget

In the recently presented Union Budget the finance minister highlighted several areas of government initiatives which have higher relevance for the poor and vulnerable sections of society. These include the Eklavya scheme for residential students from tribal communities, rural libraries, use of machinery to clean septic tanks to avoid health hazards for workers, more emphasis on millets cultivation and higher allocation for PM Aawaas or the leading housing scheme for the poor. Although details of these initiatives were not spelled out, it is likely that all these will be helpful.

Sinking Himalayas 

After Independence, a coterie of politicians and contractors started large-scale treefelling in Uttarakhand (which was part of UP then), that led to the Chipko environmental protection movement in the 1970s. Uttarakhand witnessed two environmental tragedies in the last decade, the massive floods of 2013 and 2021, that were directly relatable to ruthless exploitation of natural resources