


Musk comes visiting

I am very proud of my daughter Leena (her name, school and workplace information have been changed to protect her privacy). She is very smart and has all three proverbial graces of Greek Mythology.

Iran Gamble

The latest outreach to Iran marks yet another dramatic shift in the US approach toward the Islamic Republic.

Early summer

The early onset of summer across India this year is more than just a shift in seasons ~ it is a signal of a deeper, systemic problem that threatens livelihoods, economic stability, and the foundations of India’s agrarian society.

India and China

“Making the dragon and elephant dance is the only right choice,” says China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi as he extends a friendly hand to India to bolster the democratisation of global relations while stren - gthening the Global South.

America has been here before

As promised, the second Trump administration has quickly rolled out a slew of policies and executive orders that the president says are all aimed at “Making America Great Again.”

Dangers that lurk

Data gives us power, but it creates vulnerabilities of which the DarkSide and Mumbai attacks gave us a foretaste. Who would set the new world order in the digital age? Techno-autocratic nations like China and Russia or the world‘s democratic nations, the US, EU, Japan, India and others? There can be no freedom without vigilance

Joy underwater

A rake powered by a battery-operated locomotive travelled at a moderate speed from Esplanade to Howrah Maidan through the 520- metre tunnel under the Hooghly River.

Pot of gold

Those who should have had something to say if he was less than honest or accurate have been seemingly impassively silent. Among other things, Kumar wrote that the BCCI gave huge amounts of money to state associations, mostly raked in through the Indian Premier League.

Water lessons for the world

The genesis of climate change can be traced to an economic principle called “Tragedy of Commons”, which says that when individuals have access to a common resource, they act in their own interest, make decisions selfishly with scant regard to their impact on others. Earth is our common resource, and this human tendency has driven us into this menace known as climate change.

A Difficult Task

Scientists agree that the reason behind extreme weather events is climate change and world leaders promise to fight climate change, but there is almost nil follow-up action, probably because big business would have to be reined in, which would deprive politicians of campaign funding, and citizens would have to be advised to cut down on their current lifestyles, which may prove electorally disastrous