


Musk comes visiting

I am very proud of my daughter Leena (her name, school and workplace information have been changed to protect her privacy). She is very smart and has all three proverbial graces of Greek Mythology.

Iran Gamble

The latest outreach to Iran marks yet another dramatic shift in the US approach toward the Islamic Republic.

Early summer

The early onset of summer across India this year is more than just a shift in seasons ~ it is a signal of a deeper, systemic problem that threatens livelihoods, economic stability, and the foundations of India’s agrarian society.

India and China

“Making the dragon and elephant dance is the only right choice,” says China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi as he extends a friendly hand to India to bolster the democratisation of global relations while stren - gthening the Global South.

America has been here before

As promised, the second Trump administration has quickly rolled out a slew of policies and executive orders that the president says are all aimed at “Making America Great Again.”

The Gehlot v Pilot saga continues

Gehlot wants to keep his job, and Pilot wants to grab it immediately. In a catch-22 situation, Congress is still dithering on whether to face the electorate with Gehlot as the Chief Minister or the rebel Pilot instead. Congress and BJP have been alternating in Government, and now it is the turn of the BJP to win the elections.

Address core issues to tackle female foeticide

While several government agencies including the Ministry of Women & Child Development have time and again drawn attention to this concern, it continues to exist. One of the visible indicators of this sex selective elimination is the sex ratio at birth (SRB) for children born in the last five years or the femalesper-one-thousand-males.

Divergent views

Europe is not speaking in the same voice on the Taiwan issue is becoming increasingly clear. In sharp contrast to the rhetoric deployed by French President Emmanuel Macron after his recent visit to China, German Foreign

Old and New

The objectives of the policy are to provide a boost to the economy through increased sales, reduce pollution because older vehicles are presumed to emit more toxic fumes and improve the fuel-efficiency of vehicles allowed on the roads.

Creating Energy

Fuel cells are classified primarily by the kind of electrolyte they employ. This classification determines the kind of electro-chemical reactions that take place in the cell, the kind of catalysts required, the temperature range in which the cell operates, the fuel required, and other factors. These characteristics, in turn, affect the applications for which these cells are most suitable. There are several types of fuel cells currently under development, each with its own advantages, limitations, and potential applications