


Kolkata celebrates Manipur’s 133rd Patriots Day

The Manipuris in Kolkata (MIK), an organisation formed by the people from Manipur living in Kolkata, commemorated the 133rd Patriots Day on 13 August this year, remembering their brave Manipuri forefathers who once sacrificed their lives in the defence of the motherland at Anglo Manipuri War, 1891.

West Bengal and the North Eastern Council

North Bengal is the only part of India that shares land borders with three countries—Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and in close proximity to Tibet—and three Indian states as well—Bihar, Sikkim and Assam.

Assam: When flood wipes out more rhinos than poaching

Responsible officials confirm that the last wave of the Assam flood snatched away the lives of 13 one-horned rhinos, whereas it took six years to lose a similar number of precious animals to poaching inside the highly protected forest reserves like Kaziranga and Manas.

Northeast showcases high electoral participation

The land-locked region sends 25 members to the lower house of parliament, and the electorates exercised their franchises through electronic voting machines in all three phases, with more than 10 per cent more voter turnout than the national average.

Complicated case of musical chairs

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidates’ list for the upcoming Assembly elections in Manipur has elicited widespread defections

Before polling begins

Manipur is in the grip of election fever even as Covid-19 cases keep steadily rising in the state

Crisis of credibility

There was an uproar on digital platforms recently when the traditional media outlets of Guwahati did not cover a particular issue related to the ruling party in Assam