


Surprise CM

The Bharatiya Janata Party’s decision to name Ms Rekha Gupta as Delhi’s Chief Minister caught many by surprise.

Market Reality

India's equity markets, long buoyed by strong economic growth and rising corporate earnings, are now facing a sharp and prolonged correction.

Working in tandem

The year 2025 has thrown up new risks for global environmental policies. Amidst the continuing and burgeoning threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, over-exploitation of natural resouces and resultant environmental degradation, an added risk is that of global finance for environmental actions drying up or slowing down.

Debt Overload

India’s economic growth is often measured by rising consumption and expanding credit access. However, a closer look at recent spending patterns reveals an alarming trend; Indians are allocating nearly a third of their income to loan repayments.

AI Dilemma

India stands at a critical juncture in the global AI race. With 15 per cent of the world’s AI talent, a vibrant start-up ecosystem, and increasing investments from major tech companies, the country has all the ingredients to become an AI powerhouse.

Fighting disease

Amid growing concerns that the proportion of non-communicable diseases surpassed communicable diseases, the Ministry of Health and Population has proposed to provide free screening for people above the age of forty.

Timely reset

Sri Lanka has in recent times served as an illustration (and warning) of what can happen to a nation which goes overboard in pursuit of normative ideals while depending heavily on foreign debt to finance its development projects.

The night American comedy died

One of the qualities that I admire in Americans is their sense of humour. I grew up in a serious Indian society which did not know how to laugh and certainly not at itself. I remember one silly political cartoon from my childhood which depicted Indira Gandhi in a non-flattering way and caused a fierce debate in parliament.