

Vrischika Sankranti 2017: Sunny blessings for abundant life

Vrischika Sankranti is a festival celebrated in the honour of the sun god. Devotees pray to Surya, the god of…

Vrischika Sankranti 2017: Sunny blessings for abundant life

(PHOTO: Romeo Gacad/AFP)

Vrischika Sankranti is a festival celebrated in the honour of the sun god. Devotees pray to Surya, the god of heat and energy. Seeking his blessings for a happy and healthy life is considered to be very auspicious on this day that occurs at a specific time of the year. It is the transition time of the sun that helps to rejuvenate energy. The transition corresponds to the movement of Sun towards the Scorpio Zodiac Sign. The planetary shift of the sun helps to regain energy.

Significance of Vrischika Sankranti


Vrischika Sankranti marks the beginning of the Karthigal Masam in the Tamil calendar. It also marks the beginning of Vrischika Masam in the Malayalam calendar. It is an auspicious day for holy bath, charity and Vishnu puja. The day holds great significance for Hindu community. All the rituals are observed with immense devotion and zeal.


Rituals of Vrischika Sankranti

Devotees take holy bath early in the morning. They pray to Lord Surya to seek his divine blessings. The ritual of daan or charity during the occasion should be done during the specific Muhurat or period to attain maximum benefits. On Vrischika Sankranti ‘Shradh’, ‘Pitru’ and ‘Tarpan’ are important rituals. The best time to perform charity should be conducted at the start of the auspicious Muhurat till the Sankranti period. Donating a cow is believed to bring lots of virtues to the devotees. Reading Hindu religious scriptures, texts and books like Vishnu Sahasranama, Suryashtakam and Aditya Hrudayan are believed to be favourable on this day. Devotees chant Vedic mantras in praise of Surya Deva.

According to Hindu Solar Calendar, there are 12 Sankrantis in a year. Each Sankranti marks the beginning of a new Hindu month. Vrischika Sankranti is one of the most sacred Sankrantis for Hindus especially for those who reside in Eastern region of the country. The festival is said to bring abundant good changes in our life.

The Indian astrology system says, Vrischikarashi occupies the eighth position. On this day, the Sun enters into Vrischika Rashi or Scorpio Zodiac sign from Tula Rashi or Libra Zodiac sign and regains its energy. The time of Sankranti is meant to be very opportune for everyone.

Vrischika Sankranti 2017 is on November 16, Thursday

Punya kaal muhurata: 0.6:48 to 12:36

Duration: 5 hours 47 minutes

Mahapunya Kaal Muhurata: 12:12 to 12:36

Duration: 0 hours 24 minutes
