Hemp is an ancient sacred plant that has a long history of use throughout the world. It is revered for its numerous health benefits and is well-known for its therapeutic and medicinal properties.
“A popular myth that needs to be busted is that hemp and marijuana are the same. They are not! Although both belong to the Cannabis family, hemp does not contain the psychoactive effects like its sibling marijuana. One cannot get high by consuming or applying hemp-based products because hemp seeds have only 0.3% THC, which is a very less amount.
“In fact, hemp seeds are proven to be a superfood that can boost our immunity and do wonders for our health. Hemp gives us two-fold benefits. It strengthens our immune system and helps fight immunity-related diseases or conditions,” explains Rohit Shah, CEO & Co-founder, Hemp Horizons, and the brain behind this write-up.
Healthy Immune System and How Hemp Seeds Help
One of the most critical sets of nutrients that we require for an optimised and well-functioning immune system are essential fatty acids – specifically omegas-3 and -6, and hemp seeds, as well as hemp oil, are known to be one of the most balanced sources of these omegas. These are crucial for enhancing our body’s ability to fight against diseases and maintain a robust immune system.
As the prevailing global health crisis grips our nation, healthy eating has become inevitable now more than ever. Consuming a diet rich in various plant-based foods is one of the most effective ways of protecting ourselves against the infection. Plants contain certain compounds which our body requires to produce its own set of compounds, such as enzymes, cells, neurotransmitters etc. These compounds keep our body in perfect balance and functioning properly. And they are vital elements for a strong immune system.
Hemp seed extracts have compounds like DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and healthy fatty acids. These are widely known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-damage and anti-oxidant properties. As per a study conducted in 2018, mothers who used hemp oil regularly during their pregnancies had kids with sharp eye-sight and better cognitive abilities. The reason for this is that hemp oil is a good source of DHA, which is very important for the development of the retina and the brain. It even helps combat certain neurological conditions, like seizures, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.
If one is vegan and worried about their protein consumption, then hemp can be an ideal choice for them. Extremely rich in protein content, hemp seeds contribute towards building muscle mass, providing energy, enhancing immunity, and controlling appetite leading to weight loss.
(The company is solely responsible for the entire information provided and the claims made in the story and the publication does not take any responsibility whatsoever for the content shared)