Samantha Ruth Prabhu reveals how meditation transformed her life
Samantha Ruth Prabhu shares how meditation and daily gratitude practices help her find peace, offering tips for followers to try these calming rituals in their own lives.
If there's power in positive thinking, there's a bigger power in praying.
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How to begin the day. Some talk about meditation and fitness regimen, others talk about a cup of tea or a glass of water. And many may have different ways of starting the day. But one of the best ways to begin the day is with a prayer. A prayer, no matter how short and small, before you even get off the bed, helps to ward off all negativity around and begin the day in a positive note.
If there's power in positive thinking, there's a bigger power in praying. For, it is prayers that powers positive thinking to deal with every situation, how bad or difficult. And, it is rightly said that the one who kneels in prayer can stand up to anything.
"I don't know what is this power that makes it work. But the days I pray for something, it just happens," someone said.
Yes, there's power in prayers and faith makes it happen. You must believe. To believe is to pray, to pray is to hope and to hope is to live. And praying without ceasing is living positively.
What is praying all about?
Praying is not just about chanting beads or repeating the same words again and again. It's a medium of spiritual connection. Prayer is an open conversation with the Supreme being . It is about opening up to God and talking to Him and listening to the silent spiritual voice and making it lead your way. Begin your day with a prayer, sitting or kneeling on your bed. And, take everything to God. Pray for just about everything and lead a prayerful life.
When and where to pray
While praying is the best way to begin the day, one can pray anytime and anywhere, for God is everywhere.
What happens when you pray?
Prayers can be the best stress-buster. Your worries will disappear the moment you start praying. This is because you are talking to God, your are sharing all your thoughts with him and leaving your cares upon him. In the process, you are filling your mind with hope and positivity.
And when you are praying, find reasons to thank and praise God. This will help you see the brighter side of life and the showers of abundant blessings on you and your loved ones.
Once you begin to count your blessings, your worries and problems will become smaller and smaller. As you make it a habit to pray every moment of your life, in every situation, your life will eventually become easier, happier, peaceful and more fulfilling. Take one day at a time. Keep the faith and feel the power of prayers.