Study decodes how grey matter in mothers’ brains undergoes changes during pregnancy
A new research shows that 94 per cent of the grey matter in the brains of mothers undergoes changes during pregnancy.
Pregnant women are prone to pains usually due to the universal factors of pregnancy like weight gain, change in posture, and an obvious change in hormones.
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Pains and strain during pregnancy is part and package along with the joy of bearing a baby. Pregnancy brings along many modifications that occur in your body. It is due to these normal physical changes that pregnant ladies experience increased joint and muscle pain. The explanation for these joint pains in each woman may be a reflection of their health but also pregnant women are prone to pains usually due to the universal factors of pregnancy like weight gain, change in posture, and an obvious change in hormones.
Joint pain is an agonising and stiff sensation that pregnant women may experience at points where the body is integrated for movement. Hips, elbows, knees, fingers, and ankles are included in the regions where the aches are common. The initial aches are just a sign that your body is preparing for childbirth. A woman’s wellness is constitutional to the good health of her baby. Women who are well nourished and workout on a regular basis along with orderly prenatal care are less likely to have any complications during pregnancy.
A few crucial reasons and remedies are stated below to help ease your gestation days:
Weight gain
The pressure on your knees increases as the body starts gaining weight little by little which further gives way to aches in your knees. The ankles, knees and hips all feel the added weight due to the extra support required by your body. In order to ease the joint pains in this condition hot and cold therapy is very helpful. You can either take a nice hot shower or place hot water bag/ electric heating pads against your aching joints. Also wrapping an ice pack in a towel and placing it over your joints will do wonders.
Relaxin hormone
The ovaries and the placenta of pregnant ladies produce an important hormone called Relaxin. This hormone helps prepare your pelvic muscles and tendons for pregnancy by stretching and relaxing them. However, these contractions may loosen the ligaments around the joints adding to the additional strain and further causing hip pain and sometimes lower back pain as well. Considering the situation regular gentle exercise and yoga both can help relax the pain. Some also recommend prenatal massages in order to ease the symptoms.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
A syndrome where excessive fluid gain in your body due to pregnancy applies added pressure on your wrist further leading to pain and numbness in both, your wrist and hand. A few home remedies suggested are application of an ice pack, resting your hands or using a wrist splint if the situation demands.Many patients find that moving or shaking and exercising their hands helps relieve their symptoms
The thyroid diseases—hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism—are relatively common in pregnancy. However, hypothyroidism is a condition when you thyroid glands do not produce enough thyroid hormone which further leads to weight gain. The added gain in weight applies excessive pressure and pain in the joints. The thyroid needs to be closely monitored by your doctor along with timely medication.
Some women undergo sciatica or hip pain during pregnancy because their expanded uterus due to the growing baby presses down on their sciatic nerve. This accrued pressure causes pain, tingling, or numbness in their lower back, buttocks, knees calves and ankles. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs may help to relieve this pain. Doing mild exercise, such as yoga with lots of stretching will help relieve the pain.
Coccyx Joint
As the baby grows some women also experience a gradually increasing pain near the end of the spine.This is when the pressure of the developing and expanding foetus is applied towards your tailbone causing acute pain. The pain is usually worsened with constipation and during the terminal weeks when your abdomen region is at its peak. In order to render yourself with comfort from this painful sensation you can try a prescribed laxative for the constipation. Other remedies include sleeping on your side or supporting your belly with pillows to take some weight off. Also a maternity support belt may help alleviate back and abdominal soreness while standing as well.
Pregnancy is a beautiful period for every women, as it is her gateway to motherhood. Keeping your body healthy with workout and a well-balanced diet can help reduce the degree of these pains. If ever you feel the basic remedies are not helping, the next best thing to do is consult your doctor to prescribe you medications or medical tests.