The fumes of an onion play the role of a blood-clotting agent and can stop your nose from bleeding. Additionally, it contains vitamin C and bio-flavonoids, which strengthen the capillaries, making them less susceptible to bleeding. After cutting an onion into two, gently place one half under your nose and inhale the fumes. Do this for a few minutes.
The cooling and soothing properties of coriander help stop bleeding by balancing the pressure of blood in the vessels. It is also a natural antihistamine and helps ward off allergies that may cause nosebleeds. Using a dropper, apply 2-3 drops either of coriander oil or fresh juice into the inner linings of your nose.
Tulsi is a nerve tonic that can soothe your stressed nerves and blood vessels. Extract the juice of a few tulsi leaves and with the help of a dropper, apply 2 drops in each nostril. You can also chew on a few of the fresh medicinal leaves.
Other preventive measures
* Using a cotton swab, gently wipe the inside of your nostrils with Vitamin E oil several times a day. You can also substitute the oil for petroleum jelly. This method helps keep your nostrils moist
* Include Vitamin C-rich foods in your daily diet, as they help in the formation of collagen, which keeps the inner linings moist
* Include whole-wheat bread and brown rice, as they contain zinc, a nutrient that helps maintain the body’s blood vessels