Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja recently came up with a fun social media contest titled #TakeTwoWithSonam, in which she challenged the fashionistas to recreate some of her iconic looks. The actress asked her fans not only to emulate but also to experiment with their looks while ensuring they are easy to recreate at home.
She kicked off the contest on Instagram with the theme #StyleYourSaree – A saree with a twist.
“The last time I did this, there was such an overwhelming response from you guys – I had to do it again! With this edition of #TakeTwoWithSonam, I want you to not just emulate, but experiment. What’s the theme, you ask? It’s Indian fashion at its contemporary best. A saree, with a twist. Over the years of being in the public eye, I’ve loved experimenting with the 9 yard fabric and giving it my own spin. Whether the spin comes from bold accessories, or a different drape, it all depends on me and my team’s mood,” she wrote in the post in which she called from entries from fashionistas.
She added: “What I want you to do in this challenge is fairly simple. Show me how you #StyleYourSaree. Go crazy with your looks, I’m watching all of you! Remember to tag me. Use the hashtag #TakeTwoWithSonam. Don’t forget, the deadline for all your submissions is August 10. Have fun styling!”
On Tuesday, while sharing her top favourite looks from among the entries, Sonam wrote: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. This round of #TakeTwoWithSonam really had all of you show me your most creative side. I had a gala time picking out the winners – so much so that, I ended up choosing 5 entries instead of 3. Congratulations to all the winners and participants, I just can’t get enough of your quirky styles! Should there be another round? What would you like to be challenged with next?”