Study decodes how grey matter in mothers’ brains undergoes changes during pregnancy
A new research shows that 94 per cent of the grey matter in the brains of mothers undergoes changes during pregnancy.
It is a time when your whole body undergoes change and your skin and hair will not stay unaffected by the hormonal roller coaster.
(Picture: IANS)
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. During your pregnancy, many changes can occur on your skin. It is a time when your whole body undergoes change and your skin and hair will not stay unaffected by the hormonal roller coaster. These changes are related to the surge of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) to the skin pigments, blood vessels, glands, and immune system. These changes can be physiological or present as skin disorders.
Some women’s skin starts glowing during their pregnancy and some suffer from skin pigmentation making it look pale and dull. All this happens due to pregnancy hormones. To maintain healthy and beautiful skin during pregnancy, you may need to re-evaluate your skincare routine. Here are some simple skincare tips during pregnancy that every mom-to-be should keep in mind:
Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to help cleanse your body of toxins. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is not only good for the baby, but it will also prevent your skin from looking dull and tired.
If you are one of the unfortunate ones who have not been blessed with glowing skin during pregnancy, do not fret. Wash your face daily with a soap-free cleanser twice a day. Be gentle when washing and drying your skin. Do not scrub or try to squeeze the zits. Opt for oil-free moisturizers and make-up during this period.
With your nails growing quicker than you can say ‘polish’, make manicures and pedicures a regular affair. Get some hand and foot scrub, some warm water, and a nail file. Soak your hands and feet in warm water and shape your nails. Polish them a cheery shade and see how it lifts your spirits every morning.
Go in for an easy maintenance haircut that you do not need to spend much time on every day. Getting hair colored, flat ironing it, or using a curler are usually considered safe after the first trimester, but just check with your doctor to be on the safe side.
Keeping it simple works here too! If you have the pregnancy glow, then there’s nothing to worry about. However, if you have blotchy skin as a result of all those hormones, make a tube of concealer your best friend. Then brush on some pressed powder, eyeliner, and lipstick before you head out.