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A regular menstrual cycle occurs after 28 days to 35 days and lasts for 4-6 days approximately. You may count a period to be irregular if it does not start even after 35 days or occurs with a gap of a different number of days each time.
Foods for getting periods regularly (photo-stock)
Every woman experiences different menstrual symptoms but some of the most common symptoms include abdominal cramps, pain in the legs, pain in the back, excessive bleeding, and tender breast. As per studies, women start menstruating around the age of 11 to 14 and continue till they reach the menopause stage, which is around 50 years.
Irregular periods are one of the most common problems faced by women. Here are some easy home remedies to fix that.
What are irregular periods?
A regular menstrual cycle occurs after 28 days to 35 days and lasts for 4-6 days approximately. You may count a period to be irregular if it does not start even after 35 days or occurs with a gap of a different number of days each time.
Home remedies for irregular periods:
1: Ginger tea
Ginger is beneficial for different diseases and symptoms, including irregular periods. Regular consumption of raw ginger can help to regulate your periods. Ginger contains gingerol that helps lower inflammation in the body. It helps in contracting the uterine muscles and facilitates hormonal balance. It standardizes the monthly occurrence of periods. Drinking a glass of hot ginger tea with a bit of lemon juice and a dash of honey, either on an empty stomach in the morning or the evening, promotes metabolism.
2: Unripe papaya
Unripe papaya is well-known for its action on irregular periods. It enhances your uterine contraction that helps occur during your periods. Consume unripe papaya juice regularly for a few months but do not drink it during your periods.
3: Jaggery
Jaggery is sweet and has a lot of medicinal properties. Regular consumption of jaggery may help regulate irregular periods. It also helps in reducing uterine cramps.
4: Turmeric
Turmeric can do anything. It is a magical home remedy that we can use in any condition. Regular consumption of jaggery may help regulate irregular periods. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that help in reducing uterine cramps. If you want to prepone your periods naturally, try having turmeric with warm milk and honey. Take it daily till you get your periods.
5: Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera juice is an excellent remedy to regulate your menses and reduce excess weight. It also enhances your metabolism and keeps your gut system healthy. Aloe Vera helps to correct your hormonal imbalance and treat your menstrual irregularities. But never use Aloe Vera during periods. It may increase uterine contractions.
6: Apple cider vinegar
Consuming apple cider vinegar can help you regularize your periods and hormones in women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome. You may also lose weight and lower blood sugar and insulin levels.
Apple cider vinegar is bitter, so you can consume it by mixing it with honey to neutralize the bitter taste.
7: Cinnamon
Cinnamon is essential in our kitchen as well as in our health. It helps regulate the blood flow to the uterus and may treat irregular periods. It may reduce abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting during periods.
For best results, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of milk and consume it.
8: Beetroot
Consuming beetroot may help deal with irregular period problems and their symptoms. Beetroot contains a high amount of folic acids and iron that help increase the hemoglobin level in the blood. It also works as an emmenagogue.
9: Consuming a healthy diet
Unhealthy eating habit is one of the causes of irregular periods. Eating fast food, processed food, and alcohol may cause a hormonal imbalance in the body that may lead to irregular periods. You should make sure that your diet includes green vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, red meat, fish, and foods that give you complete nutrients regularly.
10: Regular exercise and yoga
Regular exercise has many benefits, and regularizing periods is one of them. It helps maintain your weight and keep the balance in your hormones. In polycystic ovarian syndrome, a woman may lead to gain unnecessary weight gain that causes hormonal imbalance. Doing regular workouts may solve this problem.
Yoga also has been beneficial to balance your mind and body. It keeps your body and minds calm. Research suggests that yoga helps reduce menstrual pain and emotional symptoms associated with menstruation, such as depression and anxiety, and improves the quality of life in women with primary dysmenorrhea.