There are several haircare products in the market, but natural care is the best to put that shine on your hair.
Deepa Gupta | New Delhi | November 9, 2017 4:13 pm
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Some are blessed and born with healthy, beautiful hair. Others try to attain it by using haircare tips. The condition of your hair can make or mar your looks. Long or short, straight or curly, all can have healthy hair with a little care and tenderness.
There are numerous haircare products in the market, but natural care is the best to put that shine and give new life to your rough, dull or limpy hair.
Simple DIY tips for healthy hair
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Never use toxic substance while washing, massaging or styling your hair. They destroy them with every application.
Always use good quality shampoo, fulfilling the needs of your scalp and hair type. They should be mild and gentle to your hair. Too much or too less shampooing can harm your hair.
People who exercise and sweat a lot, those living in humid places, oily scalp and those exposed to dust everyday should wash their hair daily. Otherwise washing it thrice a week is sufficient for its healthy growth.
Take a warm head wash to open the pores for deep cleaning of scalp and hair. After shampooing and conditioning it, rinse it with cold water.
Use homemade conditioners. Boil tea leaves in water and strain it. Use it for conditioning. You can also mix two table spoon of curd with one table spoon of lemon juice for a good natural conditioner. Aloe Vera gel is also very effective to condition the hair.
After shampooing it, towel dry or squeeze excess water from your hair. Then apply conditioner till the end of the hair tip. Leave it for few minutes and rinse it with normal or cold water to lock the shine.
Do not comb the hair when wet. Wet hair is more prone to breakage. Use a wide toothed comb instead of a hair brush when they get dry.Avoid using hair dryer. Gently wipe off excess water with a soft towel.
Let your hair dry naturally in sun or air. If you are in a hurry and need to use hair dryer, keep it at a distance and at lowest temperature to dry your hair.
Eat a balanced diet having adequate amount of protein, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and iron for hair health.
Drink plenty of water. Water is essential to hydrate your hair. It helps in blood circulation that feeds hair follicide that in turn helps in hair growth. Adequate water also helps you get rid of dandruff.
Live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise daily for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Breathe fresh air in the morning. Avoid alcohol and smoking.
Take a sound sleep of seven to eight hours daily. It will improve your overall health, including your hair.
Be very careful and gentle while shampooing, drying, combing, massaging or styling your hair.
Massage your scalp with lukewarm oil (coconut, castor or olive oil) once a week. Apply oil till the end tip of your hair. It will improve blood circulation and make your hair bounce with shine. Let the oil pack remain in your hair for 45 minutes to an hour. Then shampoo it off.
These above tips can do wonders to your hair as you rush through your hectic schedule.