In a heartwarming yet controversial video making rounds on social media, a woman took a bold step and proposed to her partner on bended knee at the revered Kedarnath temple in Uttarakhand. The couple, adorned in matching yellow attire, embarked on a pilgrimage to the temple, where the woman, accompanied by a cameraperson, handed a box containing an engagement ring to her partner. With a mixture of surprise and joy, the man accepted the proposal, and they embraced in a tender moment.
Proposing to someone requires careful planning and capturing those precious memories on camera to cherish for a lifetime. It’s evident that the woman in the video spared no effort in orchestrating a memorable proposal.
However, not everyone was pleased with the video, as it sparked a wave of criticism among netizens. Many expressed their discontent over the presence of mobile phones within the temple premises, while others bemoaned the perceived influence of “western culture” on traditional Indian customs. Some even dismissed the proposal as a mere publicity stunt or an attention-seeking endeavor.
Nevertheless, amidst the backlash, there were users who showered the couple with love and well wishes, emphasizing the importance of pursuing happiness and celebrating love. “Do anything that makes you happy,” commented one user, while another expressed that any act rooted in love is a positive thing.
Unfortunately, the identity of the couple remains unknown, adding an air of mystery to their enchanting proposal at the Kedarnath temple.