Patanjali Vermicelli: A healthy, delicious twist to your favorite meals
Patanjali Vermicelli is made from high-quality wheat, offering a healthy, chemical-free alternative for creating delicious, nutritious meals that your family will love.
Dates have high natural sugar content. The dry fruit version of dates is richer in calories than the fresh fruit. The high-calorie content in dates has led to their popularity as they provide energy throughout the day.
Dates Representation image [Photo:SNS]
From the time it was discovered, which was thousands of years ago, dates are well known for their healing powers. Dates have some really powerful health benefits like boosting energy, increasing iron in the body, and aiding digestion.
Rich in various nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, dates are popular throughout the world. These dried fruits may prove to be beneficial in treating various conditions due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties.
So, before moving further let’s first understand more about dates.
What are Dates?
Dates are basically tropical fruits that are grown on date palm trees. It’s scientifically known as Phoenix Dactylifera and is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Dates are categorized as dry fruits and have been an important part of West Asian heritage.
Dates have high natural sugar content. The dry fruit version of dates is richer in calories than the fresh fruit. The high-calorie content in dates has led to their popularity as they provide energy throughout the day.
The origin of dates can be traced back to almost 5320 BC. The fruit is a staple item for people in the middle east and North Africa. Mainly cultivated in these regions, dates are highly beneficial due to the innate composition of macronutrients and many other healthy elements.
The need for dates to be included in your diet will form a long list. Its highly beneficial advantages can be harnessed by introducing it into your diet.
Muslims consider date palms and dates sacred, and throughout the religious fasting period of Ramadan, these dried fruits are a common ingredient in the diet. Each date can be about 60 to 70 percent sugar and a high amount of fiber. It is also high in iron and may help in fighting anemia.
Dates are now popular all over the world and are used as a natural sweetener in smoothies, juices, nutrition bars, and baked products like cakes and muffins.
Now let’s discuss some of the proven health benefits of dates.
Health Benefits of Dates:
1. Dates are Highly Nutritious:
The nutrition data of dates are really off the charts. The fruits are packed with a lot of essential vitamins and other nutrients that can be extremely helpful to your overall health. Dates are also rich in fiber and carbs which without a doubt makes it one of the healthiest dry fruits.
2. High Concentration of Antioxidants:
Antioxidants are basically compounds that inhibit the process of oxidation and thereby eliminate the dangerous free radicals which can cause a lot of harm to your cells. Oxidation can be very dangerous as it can be very harmful to the structural and genetic integrity of your cells.
Dates are known for their high concentration of antioxidants. When compared to other dried fruits in the same category, dates tops the chart with the highest concentration of antioxidants. The need for antioxidants in your daily diet cannot be stressed more. Dates are rich in antioxidants including:
Carotenoids: Carotenoids are known for their ability to significantly reduce the chances of macular degeneration which can be highly dangerous to your ocular well-being. Carotenoids are also known for their ability to work wonders for your heart. Cardiac health is one of the most pressing issues in today’s health scenario and the use of dates can help in promoting better heart health.
Flavonoids: This is an antioxidant that can benefit your body by helping with multiple issues. Flavonoids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their high affinity in helping to reduce the effects of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Flavonoids are also beneficial to your brain and work a lot towards the reduction of the risk for brain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. There are also indications that prove that Flavonoids can also help in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer too.
Phenolic Acid: Phenolic acid is a much-discussed antioxidant mainly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has got a very good history in reducing the risk of developing cardiac issues and also works a lot in reducing the chances of being inflicted by certain types of cancer.
3. Promotes Bone Health:
Dates are highly rich in micronutrients such as selenium, manganese, magnesium, and copper. These micronutrients help in the development of your bone health.
Dates can be one of the most important supplements to your diet if you are suffering from bone problems. The micronutrients in dates are also highly effective in treating bone conditions such as osteoporosis. So, it’s highly advisable that you include dates as a part of your diet for healthier bones.
4. Improves Your Skin:
Dates are a very good alternative to harmful chemicals found in skincare products. The high concentration of vitamin C and vitamin D in dates ensures that your skin receives all the nourishment required for healthy glowing skin. Vitamin C & D work for the improvement of your skin’s elasticity which is very hard to maintain as you age.
The nutrients present in dates are also helpful in preventing faster aging and help you look young for a longer period of time. Dates are also useful in maintaining a healthy balance of melanin in your skin by reducing the chances of it being deposited in various locations.
5. Reduces the Rate of Hair Loss:
Dates are a very good substitute for many over-the-counter medications that claim to stop hair fall. Dates are extremely rich in iron which makes them extremely beneficial for your hair.
The increased iron content in dates ensures that the blood flow remains strong and the scalp gets the nourishment it deserves. The increased flow of oxygen to your scalp will facilitate the growth of new hair and also reduce the rate of hair fall by a great margin.
6. Reduces Risk of Cancer:
In-depth studies about dates revealed that the presence of a compound called beta D-glucan in dates is very advantageous in promoting an anti-tumor activity within the body.
The high concentration of antioxidants in dates also helps in reducing the activities of free radicals (elements that can cause cancer) and thereby reduces the chances of cancer from happening. The daily consumption of dates can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and the occurrence of benign tumors too.