As the pollution level in the capital city rises with the onset of the dry season, experts have issued an alert that exposure to the city’s rising air pollution can cause stroke in adults. And AIIMS, in collaboration with the researchers of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, has developed a wearable nasal device which restricts the entry of air pollutants into lungs. While it is to be seen how seriously the government is ensuring the implementation of pollution control in the city, are you doing your bit for pollution-free living?
Rules or no rules, as a conscious and educated citizen, do your bit for clean air. Take a small step towards pollution-free living. Every big step begins with a small step.
Do what you can to control air pollution and be the change.
Clean your environment: Conserve energy, fuel and the greeneries around you. Protect the trees and keep your surroundings and environment clean. Make sure to throw waste in dustbins and dustbins alone. Stop preaching. Practice cleanliness wherever you be and breath clean air.
Grow more plants and trees: Look up for plants and trees you can grow in the winter season. Have a balcony garden, kitchen garden, flower gardens. Grow trees around the vicinity. Have green fencing. Keep potted evergreen plants inside the house.
Walk more: Drive less, walk more. Reduce the number of vehicles your family or you own. Give a break to your car once in a while. Use public transports to commute. Walk for health and wealth.
Waste disposal: Proper waste disposal is important as careless disposal of waste pollutes not only the air, but also soil and water. Disposed of house and other waste in respective garbage bins – degradable, non-degradable – recycle.
Say no to garbage dumps: Say a big no to garbage dumps in residential areas, as it pollutes the entire area and can spread all kinds of diseases. Call the authorities concern to remove them.
Voice against burning of garbage: Raise your voice against any form of burning of waste in residential areas. Burning of waste in residential areas should be strictly banned.
Social work: Take the lead and be the change. Organise a weekly or weekend social work in your residential area. Call members of the colony for a weekly cleanliness drive and create a chain of change.
While there are many reasons and factors that add to air pollution, we must do what we can. In short, fight air, soil and water pollution in your city by keeping it clean and green, and beautiful. If every citizen takes a conscious decision against any kind of pollution, change for the better is guaranteed.