While we are familiar with term ‘piles’, most of us do not know what the condition actually is. Piles or hemorrhoids appear when the veins around the anus get inflamed and start to bleed. It can occur either externally or internally.
Internal piles may get aggravated and bleeding could start whenever pressure is applied while passing stools. While external piles do not bleed, they might also be painful.
Constipation and obesity are the major reasons that cause piles. Others include standing or sitting for long hours, heredity, weakening of body tissues and mental stress. Weight gain during pregnancy can also aggravate piles.
We give you five simple home remedies that you can try to ease the pain and heal inflamed veins that cause piles.
Fibrous diet
A fiber-rich diet consisting of vegetables, herbs, fruits and unpolished cereals helps create softer stools and easy bowel movements. This aids in lessening the irritation and pain caused by piles.
Buttermilk wonders
In order to reduce the pain, drink buttermilk with some rock salt, ginger and peppercorns twice a day. Besides, you can also add the juice of bitter gourd (or karela) leaves to the buttermilk. This should be taken in the mornings on an empty stomach.
Power of seeds
Relief from bleeding can be sought by mixing half a cup of goat’s milk with a teaspoon of powdered mustard seeds (you may also consider adding some sugar if you like). Drink this on an empty stomach. You can also mix two teaspoons of powdered mango seeds with a little honey and have it twice a day.
Antiseptic approach
Turmeric is known for its antiseptic and healing properties. Mix one teaspoon of freshly ground turmeric powder with some ginger and lime juice along with mint leaves and honey. Therefore, eat a teaspoon of this twice or thrice a day.
Yes to yogurt
Consuming probiotics or friendly bacteria helps promote the smooth functioning of gastrointestinal organs. You should, therefore, consume a cup of yogurt on a daily basis.