Spine disorders on the rise in industrial zone: Doctorss
Sitting postures and lifestyle disorders are the key reasons behind the increasing low back pain difficulties, besides impacts of underlying diseases, said experts.
“To keep your intimate area clean, use quality products that are chemical-free. If you have an outright need to feel fresh and not stink, ensure that the area does not have excessive hair growth.
Cropped shot of an unrecognizable woman holding an SOS sign in front of her private parts
Two in three adolescents are not practising appropriate hand hygiene, a shocking recent global study involving University of Queensland researchers has found. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the conclusive role of sanitation and hygiene, be it physical, oral or sexual hygeine, in our personal lives once again.
The personal care industry has been very vocal about men’s intimate hygiene in the recent past, says Sarthak Taneja, Co-Founder, Skin Elements, adding that maintaining body hygiene is equally important for both the sexes, especially the genitals.
Personal and intimate hygiene, especially in high temperatures, is not just crucial for comfort and freshness all day long, but to keep sexual and dermatological health concerns at bay.
“Intimate care during summers is an essential addition to the daily hygiene check of your body. Not only does it keep your sensitive areas away from pathogens like bacteria and fungus, it also keeps them sweat-free.”
“As the temperature increases, the hot and humid weather can accelerate intimate discomfort and even genital infection in both the sexes. Therefore, specialists suggest not to wear body fitted clothes as they can impact the ventilation around your genitals and become a favourable environment for bacteria and yeast to grow. Hygiene care products such as intimate washes, chafing products and even wipes are very useful during summers. They help in keeping the area clean, dry, and fresh. Sweat becomes apparent in this scorching hot weather. If you are fortunate enough, you may perspire less otherwise it can generate an awful scent,” says Taneja.
His advice?
“To keep your intimate area clean, use quality products that are chemical-free. If you have an outright need to feel fresh and not stink, ensure that the area does not have excessive hair growth. The humidity emerging from the hairy region could prevent you from keeping yourself sterile and clean. On the off chance that you are already utilising a cleanliness product, pick one with natural ingredients and safe for day to day purpose that guarantees the fundamental requirements like reduced irritation, dry genitals, and skin prevented from inflammation.”