

Diet fruits: Peel is the new pill

Going by scientific findings, the peel of fruits can prove healthier than you can imagine.

Diet fruits: Peel is the new pill

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Peel is the new pill. It is common knowledge that fruits are good for health and often you have been advised to eat the fruits along with the skin. Going by scientific findings, the peel of fruits can be the new pill for you. It can prove healthier than you can imagine.

Why should you have the peel along with the fruit?

The skin of fruits is said to hold nutritional concentration and helps in detoxification of the body


It can keep your heart and brain healthy


It helps to eat less and control weight

In controlling weight gain, it helps you to stay trim and fit

Weight control will also protect you from the risk of many health problems associated with weight gain and obesity

The rich fibre content in the peel is good for the digestive system and bowel movement

It keeps you healthy and make your skin glow

Fruits, which peel is beneficial for health 

Orange and Grape Fruit: These sweet, juicy and jelly like fruits are nutritional powerhouse, full of Vitamin C and dietary fibre. Their skin is a great way to get nutrients without elevating unsaturated fats and calories. It is a pack of riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Containing twice the amount of vitamin C as contained in the fleshy inside part, they have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. To eat the peel raw is difficult. So, you may grate it and sprinkle on top of your salads, yogurt preparations, ice-creams, puddings and chocolates.

Apple: The hard, sweet and juicy fruit packed up with dietary fibre with vitamin K in the skin makes this fruit more than just a burst of flavour in every crunchy bite. Antioxidants in the skin protect lungs and memory. It also contains certain cancer killing compounds that work throughout the body. Peeling it off means losing half of the dietary fibre, most of the vitamin K content and one-third of the other fruit nutrients.

Mango: Its peel has more carotenoids, polyphenols, omega-3, omega-6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids than its flesh. It has the compounds that fight cancer, diabetes and heart problems. The skin can be eaten raw in the form of pickle. Otherwise, you may cook them in a tasty way and eat to absorb all its blissful doles.

Kiwi: The hairy skin is one’s beyond imagination. It is full of flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamin C. More nutritious than inside, it should be eaten whole with the outer skin.

Pear: The peel of this fruit is full of valuable nutrients and dietary fibre. Enriched with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, eat it without peeling to improve health.

Plums: The skin is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It is of immense benefit in curing digestive problems and relieving constipation.

Cheeku: Enriched with vitamins, the skin of cheeku maintains the health of mucus lining. It has a good pack of iron, folate, potassium and pantothenic acid that leads to proper functioning of the digestive system.
