It is no more a secret that papaya is good for your health. The health benefits of this fruit guarantee you optimum health in the long run. It is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for proper functioning of the body. Rich in dietary fibre, it is an important part of a healthy diet for those who want to lose weight. It gives ample energy without adding unwanted fat.
Papaya, when ripe, has unique taste which is favourable to all taste buds. Here are some health benefits of papaya:
Fights disease: The combination of powerful flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals and the countless micro and macro nutrients make papaya very advantageous for your health. The daily consumption of this fruit lowers the risk of cancer, heart disease, chronic inflammation and irritable bowel syndrome. Papaya helps to keep your digestive tract clean and your weight under control.
Stay slim and fit: The fruit is a rich source of iron and phosphorus and contains nutrients that help in busting the cellulite deposits and thus reduces body weight and fights obesity. Include this sweet tasting pulpy fruit that contains papain which helps in getting a flat belly. Eat it raw. It is also a filling fruit that prevents overeating by fulfilling hunger pangs in between two meals. Eat this low-calorie food as snacks and get rid of unwanted flabs. Consuming papaya seeds helps in preventing absorption of fat that prevents obesity. Blend the seeds with grapefruit and consume the juice.
Detoxifies the body: Remain on papaya diet for a day and detoxify your body while removing harmful toxins. You can eat it in various forms. Make a puree out of it and add little lemon juice- have it in breakfast. Make papaya smoothie blending it along with milk or other fruits like banana or fresh fruit juice- have it in lunch. Papaya salad is best to have in dinner. It helps in reducing bloating in stomach and improves digestion by breaking down of food and digesting protein present in the fruit. You can have papaya desserts by combining one cup of chopped papaya with two teaspoons of vanilla. Mix well and refrigerate to have it as snack.
Rejuvenate your skin: Papaya is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K. That’s why it is found in many beauty products. It contains rejuvenating enzymes that exfoliate and cleanse the skin and make it glow. The papain enzyme in papaya has skin cleansing properties and helps in removing dead skin cells to get rid of clogged pores, prevent acne and give your skin a dewy glow. Apply papaya face pack and get the best of beauty benefits. It may also lighten facial hair if applied once a week. Papaya masks are great anti-ageing masks as the alpha hydroxyl acids in it prevents signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines.
Nourishes hair: Papaya boosts hair growth and strength due to the presence of vitamin and mineral contents. It adds volume and shine to your hair. The protein in papaya may reduce split ends. Apply papaya mask in your damp hair once a week and see the miraculous results. Blend one cup ripe papaya and banana along with little fresh yogurt. Add little coconut oil and mix well. Apply on damp hair and wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.
With a busy lifestyle, eating habits have become packed with preserved and processed foods. They aren’t only devoid of essential nutrients but can also cause some harm to the body. Eat natural fresh foods like papaya every day to stay away from health complications. Experience the real health benefits of sweet papaya for smooth functioning of the body and emotional well-being.