

It’s time to engage in Social Media detox

For most people, it has become an integral part of their lives. The use of social media has surpassed the level of addiction and it is affecting physical and mental health of the users. 

It’s time to engage in Social Media detox


In today’s world, we cannot imagine our lives without social media. In fact, if someone doesn’t have an Instagram or Facebook account, they are considered to be “living under the rock”.

Social media was invented to keep up with people, but it is now more than just a media tool. For most people, it has become an integral part of their lives. The use of social media has surpassed the level of addiction and it is affecting physical and mental health of the users. 


According to an article published in International Journal of Information Management, “The study findings suggest that compulsive media use significantly triggered social media fatigue, which later resulted in elevated anxiety and depression.” – Online social media fatigue and psychological wellbeing—A study of compulsive use, fear of missing out, fatigue, anxiety and depression.


What is Social Media Detoxing

To avoid the harmful impact of social media on health and overall lifestyle, it is highly advisable that you ‘cleanse’ your senses of it. A better term to describe this practice would be ‘social media detox’. It refers to refraining the use of social media for a period of time. Some people commit to a 30-day detox, while others start with a shorter duration. Users have even gone to the extent of giving up social media completely, after experiencing its benefits. 

What are the benefits of it? We have chalked everything out…

First-off: Privacy

The very first thing you experience, when you begin being away from using social media, is privacy. Surprisingly, you yourself begin to value your privacy. This is an addictive state and once you begin to enjoy your privacy, there’s no going back. When you stay away from social media for some time, you post lesser details about your life on the internet. The social media people no longer know what is happening in your life and thus, there is less ‘poking’. 

It will help you with anxiety

Another thing that you notice, while staying away from social media is that it helps you with your anxiety. You are staying away from information that you do not require. Excess of information causes the brain to draw conclusions and overthink. Anxiety is very bad for mental health and thus you feel relieved from that state. 

It will help you overcome your obsession with the past

If you have made some ‘not so proud’ choices in the past, social media will keep reminding you about them. You wouldn’t be able to forget certain things from your past and the constant reminder of the failure would not benefit your mental health. Once you stay away from social media, you would feel ‘anewed’ and can make an easy fresh start. 

You will become more organized

Social media addiction leads to other unhealthy choices in your life. Most people are found clinging to their mobile phone, while eating food or when inside the bathroom. It doesn’t often appear to us, but it actually affects our daily routines. We take more time accomplishing small tasks like getting ready for work. While performing detox, you tend to become more organized and perform the same tasks more efficiently.

You will stop trying to achieve everything

Social media constantly throws images and updates of people you are virtually connected to, in front of you. You keep browsing about what’s going on with people in their lives. Subconsciously, you begin to compare your lives with that of the others. This comparison leads to an unavoidable urge to achieve so many things, within a limited period of time. The detox would help you overcome this feeling and you would stop thinking less of yourself.

Focus on the moment

You no longer focus on the ‘what ifs’ of your life. You do not have old memories instigating you or your friend’s achievements to urge you to plan your future accordingly. You are able to focus on the present moment and enjoy a blissfully healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. 
