Self-care month: Prioritizing well-being for a healthier you
Self-Care Month: Join the global initiative emphasizing the significance of nurturing mental, emotional, and physical health through mindful practices and personal wellness routines.
As we celebrate International Self-Care today, here are a few signs indicating that you are neglecting yourself. Tell us about your ways of loving yourself.
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In a world where slowing down, compared to others, in both professional and personal life is seen as a sign of failure, “self-care” is a term we are conscious of but fail to incorporate into our lives. From waking up to hitting the bed at night, we are constantly running, trying to finish the to-do list we’ve created, meet deadlines, juggle meetings, and sometimes even forgetting to eat. If you find yourself here, doing everything listed above, the repercussions of this self-neglect will directly impact your physical and mental health. While we quickly recognize sickness, identifying the symptoms of exhaustion is not easy. As we celebrate International Self-Care today, here are a few signs indicating that you are neglecting yourself.
While it’s natural to feel tired after a hectic day, if you feel tired all the time, even minutes after waking up, it’s time to realize your health is at risk. Lack of sleep can negatively affect your health, leading to weight gain, fluctuating physical attributes like blood pressure and cholesterol, and physical exhaustion. So, if you’re constantly tired, take a break and prioritize yourself.
Being irritated with a sibling is different from snapping over trivial matters. If you find yourself snapping at everyone or feeling emotionally exhausted, it’s time to prioritize your health.
Constant self-doubt, doubts about your abilities, and a desire to isolate yourself may indicate you need to check on your well-being. Many of us tend to give up easily, stop seeking solutions when things get tough, or withdraw from social interactions when drained. Recognize these signs as indicators to recharge yourself.
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed by deadlines or work rush indicates it’s time for a break. If you notice these signs in yourself, prioritize self-care.
Happy International self-care day to you!