Mandaviya underlines importance of preventive healthcare
Union Labour Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday emphasized the importance of preventive and promotive healthcare in building a healthy and fit India.
Go green and herbal for a healthy and strong liver.
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Is your lifestyle affecting your health? Are you suffering from chronic liver problem and struggling to deal with it?
Some simple tips can help you take care of your liver. Follow the easy tips mentioned below and live a long and healthy life.
Green diet: Fill your daily diet with fruits and vegetables vitamins and minerals, which are rich in vitamins and minerals and essential to detoxify the liver. Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage, beet, onion, garlic, collard grass and other leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid alcohol, margarine, processed food, artificial food additives, preservatives and colors. Avoid refined sugar and synthetic sweeteners.
Herbs and soups: There are some herbs good for detoxification of liver such as turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion roots, chicory root, greater celandine, peppermint, and organic yellow dock root. Use them in soups and have them regularly. Also drink green tea daily.
Filtered coffee: A study revealed that filtered coffee is more beneficial than boiled coffee, It states that drinking more coffee helps in reducing liver damage that is caused by over indulging in food and alcohol. It is said that the risk of developing 'cirrhosis', a disease which kills one million people every year worldwide, may be reduced by consumption of coffee.
Exercise daily: Every molecule of fat you eat passes through your liver. Regular exercise helps in prevention of non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Lemon water: Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily – that is a common advice by doctors and nutritionists alike. Add lemon juice to your glass of water as lemon contains citric acid that helps the liver to produce 'bile' which in turn is used by our body to excrete toxins.
Avoid pain killers: Consult your physician prior to any medication. Restrict yourself from consuming pain killers. Taking regular doses of painkillers can lead to drug induced liver disease and failure.Follow the steps and do not be harsh on this vital organ. Protect your liver and keep it functioning well with these great and easy ways. Keeping liver in good shape is a key to live a healthy life. Often it is easier to prevent disease than to treat it.