

Sleep apnea can now be detected through advanced MRI

This pioneering finding by CBMR researchers will now enable advanced MRI scans to identify severe sleep apnea, leading to more accurate diagnosis and treatment for patients.

Sleep apnea can now be detected through advanced MRI

(Representation Image; Source: iStock)

In a recent breakthrough, the Center of Biomedical Research (CBMR) researchers and SGPGI professors have successfully utilized MRI technology to detect advanced stages of sleep apnea.

This pioneering research will now enable advanced MRI scans to identify severe sleep apnea, leading to more accurate diagnosis and treatment for patients.


A CBMR researcher, Dr. Ahmed Raza Khan, in collaboration with Professor Zia Hashim of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Professor Zafar Niaz of the Department of Radiodiagnosis of SGPGI, explored the effect of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on the microstructure of the brain through MRI technology.


This technique can examine tissue changes ranging from a few microns to 20-30 microns, which can be 100 to 1000 times more sensitive than conventional MRI measurements.

Dr. Ahmed on Saturday explained that diffusion MRI measures the diffusion of water molecules in tissues, providing information about tissue microstructure. Advances in diffusion MRI, such as diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), explore non-Gaussian water diffusion behavior in complex tissue environments. Using biophysical modeling, DKI parameters can offer white parameters like axonal water fraction, with axons being the trunk of neurons. This information reflects the neuronal structure at the cellular level in the brain.

The SGPGI professor highlighted that by examining such cellular information (axonal water fraction) through MRI, researchers can gain insights into the integrity of neuronal structures and the potential changes associated with OSA over different periods of disease management.

The study’s findings shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the cognitive impairment and other neurological consequences observed in individuals with OSA. Understanding these mechanisms can significantly contribute to the development of better diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for managing complications related to OSA.

Sleep apnea is a widespread phenomenon that interrupts a person’s breathing during sleep. This causes the person to wake up repeatedly to breathe, disrupting their sleep and preventing them from feeling rested. Over time, sleep apnea can lead to serious or even fatal complications, making early diagnosis and treatment crucial.

