Food allergy can upset your stomach, cause face and body irritation and stress you out completely. It can be life-threatening if proper care is not taken. While there are anti-allergen medicines to treat the problem, consuming high-fibre food can help.
High-fibre diet that contain Vitamin A may help treat food allergies. People, especially children, with vitamin A deficiency tend to suffer from food allergy. Hence, food rich in vitamin A and fibre such as rice bran rebuild the colon microbiota in the gut. The microbiota helps to strengthen the immune sytem and control food allergies, according to a study led by Jian Tan of the Monash University in Australia.
The study, which was published in Cell Reports, states that the food fibre breaks down into short-chain fatty acids in the gut. The increased levels of short-chain fatty acids help rebuild dendritic cells of the immune system, which control an allergic response against a food allergen.
Include high fibre and vitamin A rich food such as whole bran, leafy vegetables, sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin, milk, eggs, dried apricots, squash, etc in your daily diet and see your body resistant to food allergies.