Why India is seeing a rising trend of diseases
About one in three Indians is pre-diabetic, two in three are pre-hypertensive, and one in 10 suffers from depression, reveals a recent Health of Nation Report by Apollo Hospitals.
Here are some of the ways that may help you reduce your cravings for the time being.
Hola! We know that you people are in home quarantine due to Coronavirus and probably may have not eaten any junk food for so long. Amidst the crisis, eating junk is considered as giving an invitation to the deadly virus. While everyone is focusing on social distancing, various eateries are giving contactless delivery, keeping the deadly effect of the virus. While people are not eating the junk, the craving of having their favourite food still persists. But, the real question is how to put a full stop to your food cravings.
Here are some of the ways that may help you reduce your cravings for the time being.
Go for alternatives
Craving is natural. There’s no way to get rid of it. However, you can control it, which is in your own hands. For instance, if you’re craving for fries, you can go for it, but with a lesser oil. One can always try eating food alternatives like nuts, dry fruits, etc. Always try to go for healthy stuff.
Drink more water
In order to avoid obesity, start drinking more water. Drinking more water can limit your food intake thereby giving a rest to your craving. One can also opt for juices, limewater, etc. depending upon the taste.
Choose wisely
One should always make wise decisions while opting food items. Eating extra doses, and then regretting later on will only make you feel bad about it. So, always go for healthy stuff. Go for a diet plan and follow it strictly.
Walk to your kitchen
How about cleaning your kitchen and getting rid of all those unhealthy junk items stored in your shelves? Clear it out. So the next time you have a late night craving, you actually don’t have anything right within reach.
Pay attention
Pay a little attention to yourself. Make a list so as to why you want to binge eating those junkies when you know the real problem behind them. Start doing exercises and motivate yourself to eat healthy.