Spine disorders on the rise in industrial zone: Doctorss
Sitting postures and lifestyle disorders are the key reasons behind the increasing low back pain difficulties, besides impacts of underlying diseases, said experts.
A stitch in time can save nine, thus it is suggested to not to ignore the early signs of any heart problem and consult the doctor immediately.
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On World Heart Day, today, as there is more awareness on heart diseases and ways to prevent it, doctors focus on checking the increase in heart ailments.
Bad lifestyle, Covid-induced changes in the body, stress are all contributing to increase in heart issues, say doctors.
Dr Ranjan Sharma, senior cardiologist feels it is critical to understand the causes and prevention of heart disease. Heart disease is quite frequent in developing countries such as India. As time passes, the prevalence of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes rises, resulting in an increase in sudden cardiac fatalities.
Diabetes is fairly frequent, owing to our geographic and genetic factors, as well as increased urbanization. Diabetes promotes hypertension and obesity. It is critical to recognize that the rise in calorie consumption, sedentary lifestyle and stress have raised the risks of young people between the ages of 25 and 50 developing heart disease.
“In developed nations, the prevalence of heart disease has decreased due to increased awareness and regular exercise. We are seeing an increase in the number of young people with cardiac problems, particularly arrhythmia, which is having a severe influence on the country’s economic stability. A healthy existence requires awareness and knowledge. Physical activity must be introduced at an early age to ensure a healthy childhood. Workplaces, not just schools or colleges, must educate their employees on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Along with stress management, avoiding high-calorie foods and engaging in daily exercise can make a significant impact,” said the doctor.
A stitch in time can save nine, thus it is suggested to not to ignore the early signs of any heart problem and consult the doctor immediately.
Dr Suvro Banerjee, senior cardiologist says India was more concerned with communicable diseases with little attention to non-communicable diseases.
“Now, non-communicable diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems are on the rise. Abroad while both the infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases are on the decline, in India it is on the rise. This needs to be corrected,” said Dr Banerjee
Why youngsters are having more heart issues, the heart surgeon said, “Post-Covid youngsters are facing thickening of arteries, induced by Covid. The virus induces changes in the blood vessels which promote hardening of the arteries and coagulability of the blood, leading to heart attacks.
Some statistics show there is a 30 per cent increase in heart diseases in both young and adults.
But COVID is not the only factor. Lifestyle is another big factor like less time for exercise, stress and fast food. There is also a maladaptive response to stress.
Sleep is vital but we are sleeping less.”