Places across the country are soaked in monsson rain. But, with it, brings several health problems, one being dengue fever. As the concern and fear of dengue fever spreads, various messages on how to tackle the deadly viral disease are doing the rounds on WhatsApp.
According to one message shared, here's how to prevent dengue fever with coconut oil.
Coconut oil has antibiotic properties. Apply coconut oil on the limbs below the knees till your foot. A dengue mosquito cannot fly higher than the knees!
Well, coconut oil may work. Besides the message being shared, coconut oil, high in natural saturated fats, has several health benefits. Use it not only to heal but also stay beautiful.
Here's a list of the goodness of good old coconut oil.
Healthy hair and skin: It controls protein loss and improves skin and hair quality. It boost hair growth and makes the hair soft and silky. It also makes the skin soft and supple, and makes it flawlessly radiant.
Erases scars and blemishes: Regular use of coconut oil can help heal wounds, cuts, clear scars and all marks on the skin.
Improves digestion. It helps to improve digestive system and prevents stomach infection or bowel irritation, keeping you well nourished and healthy.
Weight loss: Using coconut oil in cooking to control weight gain is a good thing. The short fatty acids in its content help to reduce fat deposits and prevent weight gain. Replace your other cooking oils with coconut oil.
Stress buster: The soothing effect of coconut oil helps to ease stress. Massage your head and whole body with coconut oil at least once in a month and experience its rejuvenating effect.
Coconut oil is also said to strengthen the immune system and heal the heart and many other serious ailments. Use it regularly in your diet or externally and see the difference it makes to your health.