

Get rid of warts with natural remedies

Take proper precautions while applying any substance on warts.

Get rid of warts with natural remedies

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Who likes warts? They’re ugly and can embarrass you potentially. Although they are not dangerous, some can be painful.

What is a wart? A wart is a raised rough skin bump caused by a type of virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can grow anywhere on the body. They’re often of the same colour as the person’s skin. Types of warts include common warts, flat warts, pigmented warts and plantar warts. Sometimes you may see black dots in them. These black dots are simply blood vessels that can lead to bleeding.


Generally, warts disappear within several weeks to few years without any medical treatment. However, few natural treatments can help erase them steadily.


Tea tree oil: It contains antiviral and antiseptic properties that can fight against HPV by attacking it through its powerful antimicrobial known as terpinen-4. The application of oil will stop the growth of warts and dry them out so they’ll fall off naturally.

Duct tape: Cut off a strip of duct tape to a size that of a wart. Fix the tape on the wart for six days. If the tape falls off in between, simply apply a new piece. After six days, remove the tape and damp the affected area with water. Gently rub the wart with a pumice stone. Leave it off overnight. Repeat the process again for six days the very next morning. You can safely repeat the process for two months but not more than that.

Garlic: The antiviral component ‘allicin’ of garlic works on warts very effectively. Leave garlic paste on warts for an hour and cover it with a bandage. Repeat every day for a month or until warts shed off. It may take little longer to get rid of warts but it’s a great home remedy for common warts. Make sure you don’t have an open cut or wound in that area. Otherwise, garlic can burn and the wart virus can spread to other areas.

Vitamin C tablets: Crush vitamin C tablet into powder and add enough water to make a paste. Apply this paste directly on the wart and cover it with a bandage while the wart is damp. Don’t remove this bandage for a day. The high acidity from vitamin C may destroy papillomavirus that is the root cause of wart.

Banana peel: Scrap the mush off the inside of the banana peel. Apply it on the wart every day before going to bed. Leave it overnight. Wash off in the morning. Repeat until the wart is disappeared. Remember, banana contains a proteolytic enzyme that is known to kill warts.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV): Soak a cotton ball in ACV. Gently squeeze out the excess liquid and place it over the wart. Secure it with a bandage. Repeat it every day till the wart dies. The high acidity in ACV attacks the flesh that makes up the wart and it will gradually peel away from the skin.

Onion: Crush a small piece of onion. Place it directly on the wart and cover with a bandage. After an hour remove the bandage and wash off. Dry the wound gently. Repeat applying fresh onion every day for a month.

Don’t forget to wash your hands well after applying any substance to keep warts from spreading.

It becomes necessary to see a doctor when:

Wart starts bleeding

Causes pain

Changes appearance

Starts spreading to other body parts

Appears in an area that is involved in daily activities, leading to constant bumping or bleeding

The wart causing virus can be passed on by skin-to-skin contact and through contact with towels or shoes. The risk of catching warts from another person is low, yet it can be passed on especially in people with weak or suppressed immune system or having HIV or AIDS.

People who’re susceptible to warts will regularly have them even after successful treatment.


Don’t touch other person’s warts. Wash hands thoroughly after touching a wart. Always keep your hands as dry as possible.

Don’t share your shoes, socks, towels and other personal items with others.

Cover your warts with water proof coverings while swimming. Always wear water proof sleepers while having a shower in public swimming pools.

Don’t brush, comb, shave or clip hair in areas that have warts. Never scratch them. While cutting or filing nails, don’t use the same instrument on the infected nail and the healthy nails. Don’t bite finger nails if warts are near them. If these precautions are not taken, warts can spread.

Prevention is always better than cure!
