Mandaviya underlines importance of preventive healthcare
Union Labour Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday emphasized the importance of preventive and promotive healthcare in building a healthy and fit India.
Get a beauty sleep by sleeping in the right position.
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Do you know how important is your sleeping body position? If you spot early wrinkles on your face, it could be your sleep position that is causing it. Yes, your sleep position can cause face wrinkles!
After a long hard day, a blissful sleep is what everybody wants. Well, sleep has always been associated with beauty and health, and with good reason. It’s during those restful hours that our body rejuvenates and repairs itself. Seven-eight hours of deep sleep can work wonders on your health and skin. But as you try to get a good night's sleep, make sure to sleep in the right position.
"Pressing your face into a pillow for over 2500 hours a year can mean that you unwittingly may be ironing some wrinkles into your skin… Sleep wrinkles appear as lines on your face as a result of you pressing your face into a pillow," beauty expert Divya Mehta says.
"Over a period of time, these lines become more prominent and permanent. Young skin is better equipped to deal with them, but they don’t disappear as easily on mature skin. Botox as a solution is ineffective, because here’s another thing most people don’t know: Botox only works on expression wrinkles not sleep wrinkles," she adds.
The expert explains:
The Side Sleeper: In this position, one side of your face is consistently pressed against your pillow. This causes vertical wrinkle lines to appear on the face. If this is your preferred sleeping position, try positioning your head on the pillow so that the lower half of your face, (below the nose), doesn’t touch the pillow. This helps to prevent the nasolabial fold, or those lines that run from the nostril to the outer corners of the mouth, from developing.
The Stomach Sleeper: In this position, the entire face is buried into the pillow. This means that all the moisture from the face gets absorbed into the pillow, leaving the skin dry and wrinkly and prone to clogged pores and blemishes. Not only that, this position is also considered bad for the entire body structure. So all you tummy sleepers may seriously want to consider flipping over.
The Back Sleeper: In this position, the face does not touch the pillow at all making it the best position to avoid sleep wrinkles. Since the face doesn’t touch the pillow, no creases are made on the face from pillow contact; there is neither loss of moisture nor any dirt from the pillow being transferred onto the skin hence making it less prone to acne.
"Changing your sleep position is tricky. All of us tend to slip back into our favorite positions to get that much-needed and well-deserved rest. But over time and with some effort, we can break old habits and get ourselves into the perfect position to enjoy healthier skin for longer," the co-founder of Epique, Switzerland, says.
Keeping the few points in mind, make sure to get a good beauty sleep.