“Have a glass of methi water every morning,” that’s what our mothers and grandmothers always told us. Ever wondered why? A kitchen staple in Indian households, methi is more than just a spice used in our Indian cuisine. The leaves and seeds of methi are prominently used as a source of hidden nutritious marvels. Methi isn’t merely a component of the food and beverage industry; it is also extensively utilized in the skincare industry, particularly in shampoos and hair oils. Here, we highlight some of the benefits you can reap by incorporating methi into your daily diet.
Can Help Control Arthritis
After a certain age, joint pain becomes a relatively common occurrence as the cartilage that acts as a cushion wears away. It can often hinder day-to-day activities, making it almost impossible to lead a pain-free life. While there are several medications and treatments available, methi can be a great remedy for reducing the risks of joint pain and arthritis. Methi helps curb inflammation enzyme activity, making it easier for you to carry on with your daily activities.
It Can Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Science has supported the idea that methi can be a great remedy for helping regulate blood sugar levels, directly impacting diabetes as well. Methi can increase insulin sensitivity and reduce fasting blood glucose levels. Additionally, the seeds contain fiber, which aids in slowing down the digestion process, reducing the chances of faster glucose absorption.
It May Help With Digestion
Consuming methi water on an empty stomach can aid in digestion. The hidden antioxidant activity of methi, due to the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids, reduces the chances of gastric lesion formation and promotes better nutrient absorption as well as digestion.
Can Aid in Managing Obesity
In addition to its high fiber content, methi seeds are also rich in various nutrients like iron and Vitamin D. Fiber ensures you stay fuller for longer, and methi can reduce calorie intake. According to experts, having a glass of methi water every day on an empty stomach boosts metabolism and helps reduce the risks of obesity.
Can Improve Sperm Count
Several studies have revealed that methi can help improve sperm count and increase testosterone levels.
Extracts of methi or methi water help lower cholesterol levels and improve milk production. Add this wonder spice to your diet and reap its benefits.
Also Read: Sunflower seeds shine bright with health benefits