Whether you have just got into body building or recovering from a surgery or expecting a baby, one recommendation that you are bound to hear from anyone and everyone who wishes to give you an advice will surely mention one nutrient that should be included in the daily diet–Protein.
The building blocks of life, proteins are essential body building nutrients that fill us with energy bursts if consumed regularly in apt quantity. There are multiple factors that determines the amount of protein intake for an individual. Just like any other nutrient, while the paucity can create health troubles, excess of it can trigger other problems too. Hence, to be on the safer side a regulated amount should be include in your diet based on your age, height, physical activity and other health factors.
Source: Protein can be found in ample range of foods. One must consider digestibility and nourishment profile of the protein source. The products like milk, egg, and fish are source of complete protein food. Vegetable source of protein comprises of whole grains, cereals, fruits, soybeans, pulses and nuts. A good source of protein is often a combination of various foods. These days protein shakes made from protein powder are common body building supplements.
Protein quality and digestion: There are several systems which rate proteins by their utility to an organism. Most proteins are decayed to single amino acids by digestion.
Requirement of protein: The amount of protein required in a person’s diet is determined by overall energy intake, the body’s need for essential amino acids, body weight, rate of growth in the individual, physical activity level, and the presence of any illness.
Protein requirement is high during pregnancy, breast feeding, childhood, recovery from malnutrition or after a surgery. Individuals performing endurance activity require more protein than sedentary individuals. High protein diets enhance metabolic rate and reduce appetite. Thus they are popular for weight loss regime.
Deficiency of protein: It can lead to a number of ailments, including mental retardation and kwashiorkor. One type of protein inadequacy causes difficulty in breathing, wheezing and vision problems.
Symptoms of protein deficiency: The symptoms are headache, weakness, disorientation, depression, mood swings, lack of mental stability and hair loss.
Excess consumption of protein: Increase in protein intake leads to increase in urea excretion. Its intake is recommended to be reduced in case a person is suffering from any kind of kidney disorder.
Importance of protein for muscle building: To develop muscle mass, one has to combine compact weight training program with high level of power. Have six servings of high protein meals adding protein shakes every day.
When you do weight training to build a quality muscle, you should eat a minimum of 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. This extra protein can really help you gain muscles in an easier way. Having proteins in each meal is a must.
The best time of having a lot of high quality protein is immediately after intense weight training sessions. Also if you are training weights on an empty stomach, your body will burn muscle tissue to get energy. An easy way to prevent this from happening is to have little amount of carbs with protein before starting your workout. It will also help your body to get the nutrients needed after the work outs. Out of gym give your body enough time to recover from your workouts so that your muscles get time to grow.
Incorporate protein in your daily nutrition, keeping in mind the high quality as well as the right quantity to embrace maximum benefit out of its consumption. Live healthy with proteins.