Flavourful and hearty winter vegetable soup
Light and veggie-based soup that is really delicious and full of nutrition.
Winter food delicacies are many, but beat the cold with some low-calorie, easy to make food.
garlic soup (Getty Images)
With the arrival of the cold season, it's time to relish winter food delicacies. And, when it's cold the body mechanism makes you want to eat more. Hence the urge to eat is stronger during winter than in summer. As you enjoy the food, you may have to watch the calories intake as you may put on more weight. But you simply can't resist the steaming delicious delights out on the street or at home. Don't you worry, enjoy the food. Just take care of the quantity and increase the time of your daily workout. And, add more water and fibre in your diet. Some food you can splurge on to your heart's content without having to worry about calories and weight gain are listed below.
Vegetable soup: It should comprise of more tomatoes and less spinach, carrot, gourd, onion and celery. Boil all the vegetables together, grind and sieve. Add little water, salt, black pepper powder and sugar to the puree. Give a boil. Have it hot with a toast of whole ounce bread without butter. Eating this low calorie meal regularly replacing the bulky dinners will help you shed your weight quickly and load your body with nutrition. High in potassium, it helps prevent fluid retention by clearing the body of extra fluids leading to weight loss.
Boiled vegetable platter: Take broccoli, cauliflower, beans, peas and carrots. Chop them and steam cook. Sprinkle light salt, black pepper powder and lemon juice on it. Have it as your dinner regularly instead of heavy foods and forget about the fat deposits through winter delicacies. High in nutrients, fibre and water content, it helps in weight management.
Carrot juice: The other ingredients besides the main bulk of carrots are beetroot, ginger, mint leaves and gooseberry in low quantities. Take out the juice of all vegetables together. Stir little black salt and lemon juice in it. Drink one to two glasses every day preferably pre or post exercise schedule. High in fibre, it increases the bile secretion, burns fat and aids weight loss.
Baked mushrooms: Take 15-20 mushrooms. Wash them thoroughly and marinate them for an hour in fat free hung curd along with garlic, salt and pepper. Bake in air fryer/electric tandoor or oven till golden crisp without adding butter. Have this super delicious low calorie snack skipping your hefty dinners for a month or so. Baked mushrooms are low in fat and have zero saturated trans-fats and cholesterol. It is a great dish to be added in weight loss diet that helps the body metabolise fats.
Mustard greens: Make a butter free mustard greens vegetable curry, including little quantities of spinach, fenugreek leaves, carrot and chenopodium. With its proficiency, you can detoxify your body well and obtain dietary fibre in higher amounts. It helps maintain metabolism and a sound weight.
With the fall in temperature, you are now free to pick ‘n’ eat any appealing lunch options, keeping their frequency low. Take maximum advantage out of the unusual winter veggies that are high in nutrients for relatively low calories. They are best to fill you up with optimal health and make you feel lighter and slimmer by dropping body weight. Avoid the weight and not the flavour.