

Herbal drinks: The secret to staying slim

Pick some healing drinks and incorporate them in your daily diet to stay trim.

Herbal drinks: The secret to staying slim

(PHOTO: Getty Images)

There is no secret or magic to get a flat abdomen. Many of us try tough, do vigorous exercise, skip meals and even take pills to reduce weight, especially around the waist. Despite their best efforts, they fail to accomplish their dream of a flat belly because this area is the most challenging part of the body to shed fat. But don’t lose hope. Be patient and keep trying hard. In addition to this, pick some right healing drinks and incorporate them in your daily diet to get rid of glut flab swiftly. These drinks are completely natural and no doubt, a belly fat burner.

1. Chia seeds drink – Rich in fibre, antioxidants and essential minerals, chia seeds are richest plant source of omega-3s. They suck up 10-12 times weight around the waistline by forming a gel in the stomach. It also breaks down the carbs that feed the fat cells around the middle body aiding to trim waistline. Chia seeds also fight insulin resistance which can be tied to belly fat. Make a drink with these seeds and feel full longer.

Mix a spoon full of whole chia seeds into a glass of ice chilled lemon water. Let it get perfect in 10 minutes by resting aside. Now drink it as a sparkling spritzer and see the belly fat waning away with time.


2. Aloe Vera drink – If you have a desire to reduce belly fat, you have to increase the alkaline pH balance in your body. Drinking aloe Vera juice is one of the natural product that is very effective to do so.

Take 30 grams of aloe Vera juice. Add three grams of cumin seed powder, turmeric powder, terminalia chebula powder (haritiki), and tinospora codifolia powder (giloy) each to it. Mix all these ingredients in half glass of water well. You can add little honey to give it a sweet flavour. Have this drink empty stomach every morning and donot  eat anything for next 60 minutes.

3. Amla (Indian gooseberry fruit) juice – Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants amla is a tangy fruit that flushes out harmful toxins which accumulate in body and lead to weight gain around the waistline and other body parts too. Drinking it twice everyday increases the digestion rate and and reduce the building up of fattening toxins.

To make amla juice, take fresh amlas and deseed them. Cut them in small pieces and put in a blender along with enough water to make a thick consistency. Sieve it to separate the juice from the pulp. Add one teaspoon of honey and one cup chilled water into it and enjoy your belly fat trimming drink.

4. Bitter gourd (karela) juice – Packed with nutrients, bitter gourd benefits the weight loss around the belly and even the other parts of the body. It is rich in fibre and low in carbohydrates and calories. Its juice is ideal for those who are on a belly fat loss regime.

Peel the skin of bitter gourd and wash them thoroughly under cold running water. Slice it down to take out all seeds and white flesh with the help of a spoon. Cut the outer greens in small pieces and soak them in water for 30 minutes adding half tea spoon of salt or juice of half lemon to offset the bitterness. Wash bitter gourd pieces again after taking them out from this water. Put them in a blender. Add water, lemon juice and little apple juice in it and blend till smooth. You can add honey and black pepper powder according to your taste.

5. Green tea – Green tea has many chemical compounds, including caffeine and polyphenols that boost metabolism. It speeds up the rate at which your belly or body as a whole burns calories and contribute to weight loss around the belly and other fatty parts of the body. It can be made hot or cold as per your taste.

Boil water in a bowl adding a sachet of green tea. Add cinnamon powder and juice of a lemon to give it a flavour. With every sip you will step ahead to reduce belly fat.

6. Flaxseeds drink – Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 acids which target tummy fat very proficiently. Its oil is the best vegetarian alternative of fish oil.

Grind the flaxseeds in a processor.  Take one tablespoon of it and mix in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it empty stomach daily for best results. You can store the flaxseed powder in an airtight container in refrigerator for two to three months.

7. Cumin seed, coriander seed and fennel water – Cumin is very effective in burning fat around the abdominal area at a rapid rate. It can improve your body&’s fat burning ability by 25%. Coriander seeds and fennel also aid in belly fat riddance.

Take one teaspoon full of cumin seeds. Add coriander seeds and fennel seeds in equal quantities and process all of them together to make a fine powder.  Take half teaspoon of this powder and mix in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it twice a day as a magical remedy to lose belly fat. Avoid eating anything half an hour before and after drinking it for better results.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) drink – Consuming a daily dose of ACV leads to lower waist circumference and abdominal fat mass.  Acetic acid one of the major components of ACV is responsible for the trimmed waist. Consuming ACV with a meal high in carbohydrate, increases insulin sensitivity that fights with the fat, your body is more likely to store.

Mix three teaspoons of ACV and two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water. You can add a pinch of cinnamon flavour. Drink this water 30 minutes before every meal to speed up your tummy fat loss process.

9. Detox ginger lemon tea – Ginger is a root that has positive impact on losing belly fat. Research has also confirmed it. It targets the main causes of belly fat accumulation such as overeating, hormonal imbalance and lack of exercise. It helps you feel full. So drinking ginger tea can help curb the urge to overeat. It also suppresses cortisol production, the rise of which may make hard to lose belly fat.

Finely chop one inch piece of ginger root and boil it in water for at least 20 minutes to maximize the transfer of active ingredient into the liquid. Add juice of one lemon and one teaspoon of honey in it and stir well. Drink it hot or cold to get refreshed and revitalized with a flat belly.

10. Herbal drink – This drink is made with the combination of cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint. These four herbs are great for burning belly fat in the most efficient way. It cleanses your body from deep. Ginger and lemon are known fat burners and help in better blood circulation. Rich in vitamin and antioxidants, lemon boosts energy apart from aiding fat loss. Ginger eating reduce 20% more weight than the people who do not eat it. Mint calms down your craving to eat more. Water keeps the body hydrated. This flavourful water detoxify your body well and reduce belly fat in a well organised manner.

Take one cucumber and a lemon. Slice them. Grate one inch of a ginger piece. Soak these ingredients in two litres of water in a glass container adding 10-12 mint leaves overnight. All the herbs will get infused with the water the whole night. Drink this water the next whole day for detoxification and reduction in belly fat.

Trimming fat around the waistline boosts our personality and hence our self-confidence. It also reduces heart related diseases and diabetes. No doubt, these natural drinks are useful tool in your belly loss cache. Get frayed with one or more of these super drinks and say namaste to your extra flab around the waistline. Flat or flab, now it’s your choice.
