

Flax seeds and why your hair needs them

A superfood finding its way into salads, muesli bowls, fruit blends, and more, flax seeds are generating considerable buzz, and rightly so.

Flax seeds and why your hair needs them

Photo: Unsplash

A superfood finding its way into salads, muesli bowls, fruit blends, and more, flax seeds are generating considerable buzz, and rightly so. Rich in fiber and brimming with proteins, omega-3s, antioxidants, Vitamin E, magnesium, and more, they offer a plethora of benefits. However, beyond their status as a superfood, flax seeds, particularly in the form of flaxseed gel, are renowned for their contributions to hair and skin health. But what exactly is flaxseed gel? It’s the gel-like substance obtained by boiling flax seeds and water in a pan. This gelatinous by-product boasts several hair benefits, some of which are outlined below.

Nourishment for Your Hair

Struggling with frizzy hair, dry scalp, or split ends? Flax seed gel could be your answer. Suitable for all hair types and incredibly easy to prepare, this gel, abundant in omega-3, protein, and Vitamin E, offers substantial nourishment for your hair.


Combatting Dandruff

Dandruff can wreak havoc on your hair, leading to excessive hair fall, itchiness, and flakiness. Despite trying various anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners, finding a lasting solution may have proven elusive. Enter flax seed gel, which not only nourishes your hair but also provides your scalp with essential protein and omega-3 nutrients. By balancing hair pH and curbing excess oil production, flax seed gel helps combat dandruff and itchiness.

Strengthens Your Hair

Flaxseed gel fortifies your hair by strengthening the hair follicles and supplying them with essential nutrients, fostering thicker and more luscious locks. The anti-inflammatory properties of flax seeds alleviate inflammation, promoting healthier hair and scalp.

Fighting Premature Greying

Premature greying, often a consequence of excessive stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor dietary choices, reflects various negative influences on your health. Packed with protein, Vitamin E, magnesium, and omega-3, flaxseeds help counteract premature greying. Moreover, this superfood imparts a shiny, smooth appearance to your hair.

Addressing Dry and Damaged Hair

Split ends, coarse texture, and lackluster, brittle strands signal damaged hair. Flax seed gel or flaxseed oil emerges as a potent remedy for addressing such damage. The anti-inflammatory properties of flax seeds combat free radicals, gradually restoring strength to your hair.

These are just some of the benefits flaxseed gel offers for your hair. Whether crafting flaxseed gel at home or blending flaxseed oil with other beneficial oils like almond or coconut oil, maintaining a consistent hair care regimen lays the groundwork for strong and healthy locks.
