Traditionally, Father’s Day is not as popular as Mother’s Day. Perhaps, the reason would be that children feel more attached to their mothers due to more typical motherly nurturing and care. Father’s Day was first observed officially on 5 July 1908 in Fairmont West Virginia. The official date differs across the globe. However, it is widely celebrated on the third Sunday of June.
With its rising popularity, the day is cherished by fathers, children and all. It’s a day to celebrate and honour fathers for everything they do for their families. Marketing experts make use of the day to promote their businesses. This brings the celebration under question. Is spending money on gifts, flowers and cards the only way to show gratitude to your father?
Although Father’s Day is associated with the old traditions of giving gifts, these ideas does not go down well with all fathers. This Father’s Day, let him know that he is the extraordinary special person in your life. For this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on extravagant gifts. Your love, care and emotional bond are the greatest gifts you can give to him.
Time. This busy modern life leaves you little or no time for your family and friends. Pledge to take out some time everyday from your hectic schedule and spend it with your father. You may take a quick walk with him after dinner or exchange your day experiences or share your dreams or talk to him about anything. Share jokes and laugh with him.
Appreciate: Thank him often and make him know how much you appreciate his being there for you. Make him feel through your words, gestures and actions you need his great support, that he is a wonderful parent. Tell him often how much you love him and means to you as a father, friend and guide.
Take his advice: Give him the gift of independence and selection. Even if you’re not so keen in his area of interest, take his advice and go along with him if he wants you to. Later, you can talk things out with him, if you must.
Cook for him: Cook his favourite dish for your father. You may plan a surprise barbeque taking help of your mom for Father’s Day special meal, or treat him to some great food and drinks.
Go green: You may also go green with him. Plant his favourite tree or flowers in his honour and for a good cause.
His favourite entertainment: Go outside and enjoy the great outdoors at a local park, river or beach with him. Play games with him outdoors or indoors. Rewind and unwind with him. Watch a movie with him and your mother and strengthen the beautiful family bond.
Make him feel happy, respected and acknowledged. This Father’s Day, let him know he’s the coolest dad. He deserves your love and gratitude above every materialistic thing.