Mahabharata is one of the greatest epics in Hindu mythology and unfolds the greatest treasures to overwhelm us and learn from it. Mahabharata has a lot to teach us and holds relevance even during the present time. It offers solutions to many of our life problems and real ways of leading a happy life.
The epic narrative of Mahabharata had been written ages ago. Yet the legendary tale continues to find prominence in every form of art and continues to overwhelm us even today.
The fact that the epic is still revered is not only because of its poetic grandeur. The stories that almost all of us have grown up with hold relevance even during present times. The deeply philosophical ideas that perpetuate throughout the epic have a lot to teach us about the art of living.
So, here are 7 important lessons that we can learn from the Mahabharata.
1. A revengeful instinct can only lead to one’s doom
Mahabharata may revolve around the war of duty. But we cannot escape the fact that the major reason behind the destruction of all was revenge. The Kauravas lost everything to their blinded desire to ruin the Pandavas. The war did not even spare the children, including Draupadi’s five sons and Abhimanyu.
2. Stand by what’s right; even fight for it
Arjuna was initially hesitant to wage war against his kin. But Krishna reminded him that one has to stand by Dharma (duty), even it meant going against one’s own family. Therefore, Arjuna had to fulfill his responsibility as a great warrior of Dharma.
3. The eternal bond of friendship
The friendship between Krishna and Arjuna is something all of us look up to. It is perhaps because of Krishna’s unconditional support and motivation that the Pandavas managed to survive the war. None of us can forget the epic dice scene where it was Krishna who came to Draupadi’s rescue while her husbands gambled her away to disgrace. The friendship between Karna and Duryodhan, on the other hand, is no less inspiring.
4. Half knowledge can be dangerous
Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu teaches us how half-knowledge can have an adverse impact. While Abhimanyu knew how to enter the Chkaravyuh, he did not know the way out.
5. Don’t be swayed by greed
What did Yudhishthir win out of greed? On the contrary, he lost everything he possessed–from his kingdom to his wealth. And to gamble away a woman in the pursuit of hubris! How can one possibly justify that?
6. We cannot give up on life despite all hurdles
Who can be a better example for this than Karana? Right from his birth, the ‘suta-putra’ battled his way through life, fighting discrimination and disgrace at every stage. He almost became a puppet in the hands of fate. But no obstacle could ever deter him from pursuing his goal. And his devotion towards his mother knew no bounds, to the extent that he even gave up his kavajkundal (his life-saving power) on her demand.
7. Being a woman does not make you a lesser individual
Yes, Draupadi was manoeuvred into taking five husbands, she was humiliated by the Kauravas for the fault of her own husband. She was violated but she was bold enough to take a stand. She ensured she got justice by vowing to wash her hair with the blood of Duryodhana and Dushanana–perhaps another reason that led to the war. A woman like Draupadi will not be passive, she will be fiery, she will fight for herself.