Eight foods with strong anti-ageing benefits for you
Ageing is an irreversible process but it can be slowed down through consumption of certain healthy foods.
Deepa Gupta | New Delhi | February 15, 2018 5:38 pm
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We want to feel and look young forever. We want to be vigorous, bouncing, charismatic, stunning and gorgeous like when we were in our ‘prime’. But ageing is an irreversible process which constantly reminds us of our approaching old age. So here are some fabulous foods whose amazing benefits will help you keep a check on the physical changes in your body and prevent acceleration in ageing. This natural treatment will work best for your mind, body and soul in purely a vegetarian way.
Green Tea – Green tea is one of the best beverages which helps slow down the pre-mature ageing process if consumed daily. It contains high levels of Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, the powerful antioxidant to protect the skin from harmful free radicals, and keeps the skin supple and young. Sipping four to five cups of green tea every day can lower the risk of stroke by 20-40 per cent and reduce the development of cognitive impairment. EGCG and ECG, the two potent compounds in green tea, help you enjoy youthful knees having no pain or arthritis.
Red Wine – Rich in antioxidants, red wine destroys the harmful free radicals inside your body. It stimulates Sirtuin, the enzyme that promotes DNA repair and cell generation. Red wine helps the skin to glow, hair to grow, keeps brain power intact, benefits arterial functions, lowers the risk of diabetes and Alzheimer. One to two small glasses of wine per day is sufficient to slow down ageing. But consuming more than recommended can be injurious to your health.
Moong Bean Sprouts – Sprouts are one of the most nutritious foods in human diet. They have plenty of antioxidant and are rich in protein, vitamin, minerals and amino acids. The chemical substance in sprouts makes the cells of your body reproduce younger cells.
Vegetables such as Beetroot and Cucumber – Cucumber is full of silicon and vitamins that benefit skin, hair and nails amazingly. They control cholesterol, improve complexion and reduce signs of ageing. Always eat cucumber without peeling as silicon is found in its skin. Beet roots are also rich in Vitamin A and C, folate, manganese and potassium. They are full of antioxidants which eliminate dead skin cells. It helps in anti-ageing by increasing detoxification of body through liver and ensuring a free flow of blood to brain with the presence of nitrates in it.
Fruits such as Apple and Blueberry – Apples and blueberries are rich in antioxidants, chlorogenic acids and pectin. Juice of these two fruits act as an anti-bacterial substance and protect you from collagen, which in turn provides you with young and supple skin. You may also add a glass of orange juice in your daily diet to hydrate your skin and help making collagen with the presence of Vitamin C and lots of water content.
Soya Milk – The strong and harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun destroy the skin-firming collagen in our body. Isoflavones present in soya milk fight the harmful rays from deep inside and prevent the skin-firming collagen.
Assorted Nuts – Studies show that daily consumption of handful of mixed nuts comprising of almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios etc. can prevent heart disease, cancer and other ailments. They can help you live longer. With the presence of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and rich mineral content, they are a perfect age fighter improving the digestive functioning, managing cholesterol levels and strengthening immunity. Though nuts are high in calories and fat, they do not increase weight.
Oats – Oats contain high amounts of zinc, biotin, magnesium and potassium that keep our heart, weight and skin chirpy. Beta glucan, a fibre derived from oats, can suppress the signs of ageing very efficiently. It can penetrate the skin and smooth out wrinkles. With low glycemic complex carbohydrate, they do not cause acne or spear blood sugar levels.
There may be numerous artificial products and treatments available to hide your age but no one can stay young forever. All we can do to stay fit and look youthful is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Besides including the food items in your daily diet, try to remain stress free, do yoga and meditation, sleep for seven to eight hours in a day, drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day, and protect yourself from ultraviolet rays of the sun to enjoy the spark of bloom from within. Cheer with these spectacular doses and say bye to ageing.
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